Stop Smoking Aids Using the “Halt” Technique

It takes a lot of step-by-step processes when you use the various techniques regarding stop smoking aids. Giving up on smoking habits is not easy. You have to go through several recovery periods as well as medical treatments before you can finally say you’re already free from the influence of smoking. A successful recovery from smoking addiction includes learning from the experience of other people who have encountered serious health risks due to smoking. A particular anti-smoking advocacy program provided a 4-way technique called the “HALT”, which stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired.

– The “Hungry” way is one of the most significant techniques that are classified under the effective stop smoking aids today. For you to be able to use the technique effectively, have a sumptuous meal or snack. If you feel hungry, the food is the best answer and not cigarettes. If you’re conscious on gaining weight, you don’t have to use cigarettes in order to reduce the fats from your body. Drink water in between meals to control the flow of food being digested. Get yourself hooked to eating healthy snacks as well as low-calorie food items such as carrots and celery.

– The “Angry” technique is used to release levels of stress and anxiety brought by effects of smoking. Smokers have the right to release anger when they’re attempting to quit their smoking habits. For them, this is their way of finding an outlet for expressing their frustration towards smoking. When you feel bothered about a particular situation that has something to do with smoking, deal with it. You can effectively do it by spending quality time with your family and friends or writing your frustrations in a diary or journal.

– Adapting the “Lonely” technique will allow you to provide a quiet time for yourself. You can give up your smoking habits by being away from the socialization for a day or two.

– The “Tired” technique is considered to be the applicable stop smoking aids preferred by many professionals. The technique allows smokers to provide a time for relaxation while tired from work duties.

The Essentials of Nicotine Patch as Stop Smoking Aids

Recent US-based medical experts conducted an in-depth study on the essentials of the nicotine patch as stop smoking aids. According to experts, the use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) through nicotine patches are said to be very helpful in the person’s anti-smoking awareness. Experts also concluded the patch as smoking cessation rate boosters.

Before the nicotine patch emerged as one of the stop smoking aids dominating the global market, the product was launched in 1993 by Dr. Frank Etscorn of the Neuro-psychopharmacology department of New Mexico Tech School. Etscorn and his team of medical students experimented on the NRT using transmerdal type of patches that help release levels of nicotine content from the skin. During its initial release, some medical researchers from various institutions in New Mexico criticized Etscorn’s experiment. However, he was able to present scientific details on the effect of the product in NRT.

The nicotine patch comes in a square and bandage appearance. The size of the patch corresponds to the dosage. The product provides a controllable dose of nicotine each day. For every daily dosage of the patch, the withdrawal of nicotine levels in the body starts to alleviate. The lasting strength of the nicotine patch determines the steady reduction of nicotine content. The patches vary in three dosage levels: The 7, 14 and 21 milligrams. The milligrams regulate the amount of nicotine in the product and the dosage strength of the product will depend on the time of treatment. The 21 milligram patch is commonly prescribed by doctors for persons who smoke 20 cigarettes daily. The patch provides set of package instructions corresponding to quality standards.

The nicotine patch would not be one of the stop smoking aids without providing special precautions approved by experts. The precautions include the following:

– Before purchasing the patch, have the initiative to check your previous or current medical records.

– Take note of the side effects of the product first. The side effects include dizziness, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach aches, as well as itching or burning of the skin and swelling of the patch site within 24 hours.

Author Bio: We manage a website about Stop Smoking Aids

Category: Self Help
Keywords: smoking, stop smoking, quit smoking

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