The Calming Power of Essential Oil Candles

With the increasingly stressful demands everyday life makes of us, essential oil candles are becoming more and more popular. Some people have romantic notions of placing them around a warm, foamy bath and relaxing to the gentle fragrances they release, and some just like to have one balanced on their desk to relax them at work, but essential oil candles are always a calming, gentle presence that adds to a room’s atmosphere.

Essential oils are extracted from plants, trees and fruits and usually have a particular fragrance. Often they have medicinal or soothing effects that are included in homeopathic remedies – tea tree oil for example is extracted from an Australian plant that was originally used by aboriginals for healing purposes. Eucalyptus is often used in decongestants to clear the sinuses, and could be put to use in an aromatherapy candle for someone suffering from a cold or flu.

Essential oil candles may sometimes be quite expensive, but this is because the process of extracting the oils from plants and fruits can be lengthy and usually requires many ingredients. Creating an orange scented candle is a process that uses many more oranges than you think; 50 oranges would be required to make 30ml of essential oil. The all natural candles created with oil extracts cannot be produced by a laboratory with synthetic ingredients because the same effects would not be simulated without steam distilling or CO2 extracting the oils.

Another popular form of candles is aromatherapy soy candles, which are non-toxic and burn cleanly without paraffin or petroleum. These environment-friendly candles are made from soy beans which have been hydrogenated and made into wax. This has the benefit of being cheaper than the beeswax often used for other types of candles, partly because soy beans are an abundant and renewable source and partly because they last much longer than paraffin candles. Some people even believe that soy aromatherapy candles produce a more distinct and clean scent because a pool of wax is created that lasts longer than normal wax and therefore distributes more aromas.

Of the various scented essential oils available, some are rarer than others, depending on the difficulty of the extraction process and the availability of ingredients. However, while the effects of these scents in the form of aromatherapy and essential oil candles have not been scientifically proven, there is a lot of evidence to suggest otherwise. Use of certain scents is said to have an effect directly on the human brain, by entering the body through scent receptors in the nose and mouth and then affecting the limbic system of the brain. They also can have a psychological effect. If a person always uses certain scented essential oil candles when they are relaxed in a bath, they will gradually associate that scent with a sensation of calm and relaxation. From that point onwards, it will induce the feeling of relaxation naturally.

Essential oil candles can have a profound positive effect on the body and mind, whether they are simply placed on a shelf to add a certain atmosphere to a room or to fill it with a pleasant fragrance, or if they are routinely used as a tool to calm, heal and relax the body.

Author Bio: Essential oil aromatherapy soy candles are becoming more popular with each passing year. To get the full story, please visit where you can find many candle products including soy, paraffin and palm wax candles for regular use and as well as use in aromatherapy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: essential oil candles,aromatherapy soy candles,soy candles,aromatherapy candles

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