Step Development of Electronic Components

From “capital growth” in 2009 into the “structural adjustment” of 2010, strategic new industries were given more and more people are expected. New energy, new materials, energy-saving environmental protection, information networks, as the representative of the direction of new industries related industries have enthusiastically participated in the 1 Pi times the stock market turns, Yeshi more than 100 new industries Listed Companies Center Daily News the most frequently used words. Among these, the components industry, part of the impressive performance of listed companies.

The international electronic components giant is also experienced in 2009, after the debilitating the rapid recovery of the first quarter of 2010, second quarter growth is satisfactory, especially eye-catching performance of business in China. China’s electronic components industry in the first half thanks to a beautiful report card first boom of the industry’s rebound, followed by structural adjustment and promote industrial upgrading, and developing new industries and create opportunities for low-carbon economy, triple play, Internet of things, smart grid , LED, electric cars, the field components of this year gave an impetus to the development industry. The first exhibition as electronics, electronic components account for a large proportion of exhibitors China Electronics Fair (CEF) has been the industry benchmark, in this year’s China (Chengdu) Electronics Show, you can from 400 leading domestic and foreign exhibitors enterprises as well as dozens of seminars are feeling the changes of this kind of industry, and Zai Zhe Xie industrial Tiaozheng and new industries Chushibuju the latest electronic components Ji Shu Hou and test measurements upstream and downstream industries such as Sheng Chan’s latest dynamic and coping strategies .

Industry changes, new challenges

Adjustment of industrial structure, China launched a series of policies to stimulate domestic demand and emerging industries to develop global, Tebie yes rapid rebound in China’s economy played a major of Zuoyong. For example: building brought a smart grid, smart meters tender batches were brought more than 27 million electricity meters in the market, dozens of companies benefit; home appliances to the countryside to home appliances manufacturer and the upstream and downstream industry chain to avoid an economic crisis , in 2009 the whole year of 37,679,800 units sold, sales of 69.257 billion yuan; LCD TVs accounted for more than 70% TV market share, while the 2010 total LCD TV LED backlighting will reach 30% share; Internet of Things has become a popular topic, 10000 billion in the blue ocean market seems to fingertips; electric bus, electric rental, or even to market electric vehicles are now.

However, for enterprises, the bustling market and a ten-year data remains behind many of the problems and challenges. Smart meters in the first tender announcement, we embarrassed to find that many companies may even the face of competition from hundreds of companies, a feast of open seats is almost not a pile of tasteless (the second batch to a lesser extent points); electric vehicle manufacturers to face more of a user’s wait and see, and a number of technical challenges and how to effectively design and test measurements to improve product stability and security are all there to be continuing efforts; LCD TV with LED backlight PWM dimming EMI noise generated when a negative impact on other functions, as well as backlight brightness when the deviation between the ranks of problems to overcome; For many enterprises, Internet of things is only a concept at present more only, shape the future development trends and industry remains unclear.

In addition, the electronics industry in recent years the development of enterprise product development new demands and challenges. For example, the semiconductor manufacturing process has entered the era of post-40 nm, to further accelerate product miniaturization, increased power density, operating speed and interface speed, engineers face more complex EMI / EMC, circuit protection, low power consumption design requirements.

Are as described above, for a variety of new industries and applications demand a new system, many traditional component technologies and products can not meet the requirements. International and domestic manufacturers have been offering the latest technology and product solutions, hope to seize the future by innovative strategic commanding point in emerging industrial markets, the current CEF Dianzi show also has a leading edge for these innovative products and technology components to provide a competitive arena, achieve CEF Electronics Show “help the western industrial upgrading” of the industry dream.

September will be held in Chengdu, China (Chengdu) Electronic Show and in November held in Shanghai The 76th China Electronics Fair from west to east, scanning with the two key industries, faithfully reflecting the Chinese suppliers and procurement of electronic components who’s “mood” index. You observe the development of China’s electronics industry status and trends, as well as the business development of future products and technologies provide the industry benchmark to judge accurately.

It is reported that the current China (Chengdu) Electronics Show in the Pavilion area of 11,000 square meters, will have 400 exhibitors, trade visitors and buyers will be more than 12,000 persons.

The theme is located in the “display for industrial applications and military electronic technology solutions.” In the semiconductor and electronic components, the collection of Tyco Electronics, ROHM Semiconductors, Omron, Murata Manufacturing, Taiyo Yuden, and other international leaders in the domestic torch Quanzhou, Changzhou Jianli, Galaxy Electric, Changzhou Chang Jie, Ning Chen Xiang, Ningbo High-positive, innovative electronics, Shanghai Yong-Xing, Miller Electric, Guangdong Branch letter, Saul semiconductor, country, and such well-known manufacturers have been competing against giants with those in Europe, showing their unique style.

It seems, for the second half of the market, the industry is generally expressed optimism in a positive state of mind ready for the big picture of the bright future of agencies. The records show that by 2012 China’s smartphone market share of domestic mobile phone market will account for 40% of SIM card package will lead, electro-acoustic devices, sensors, parts, PCB and other upstream industries benefit; according to the research institutes forecast that 2011, Internet of things related to embedded chips, sensors, radio frequency “smart objects” number may more than 1 trillion.

Another smart grid and high-speed railway construction gave power devices, passive components bring great opportunities.

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Keywords: timer water softener,coffee cup warmers,fiberglass roofing materials,

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