Signs of Domestic Abuse

Too often domestic violence is written off. However, in order to effectively combat domestic abuse, it must first be acknowledged. First, people need to be aware of the symptoms and signs of physical abuse.
Second, people need to understand that help is available to them if they only reach out for it. Third, people need to get help and move on. Some learn self defense and martial arts moves as a way to feel empowered. Others seek professional counseling, and others find comfort in group therapy knowing they are not alone.

Domestic abuse occurs when partners live together, and one of them tries to pressure, control, and dominate the other person. Domestic violence occurs when the abuse is physical in nature.

When a partner resorts to violence and abuse, he or she is trying to establish complete control over the other person. Abusers commonly use guilt, fear, and shame to intimidate their partners. Many times this includes threats to hurt you, your children, and family members or friends who try to help you.

Women are not the only victims of domestic violence, and domestic violence occurs between homosexual as well as heterosexual couples. Even though women are often victims, men are also victims of abuse. The fact is that it doesn’t matter whether you are male or female, young or old. Everyone should feel respected and everyone has the right to be safe.

Signs of Domestic Abuse

The following are some common symptoms of an abusive relationship.

– You are constantly worried about upsetting your partner and the consequences you may have to suffer.

– You frequently have feelings of desperation, depression, helplessness, and self-loathing.

– You believe that you deserve to be mistreated.

– Your partner humiliates or blames you.

– Your partner blames you for his or her abusive behavior.

– Your partner yells at you.

– Your partner does not respect your opinions or value your contributions.

– Your partner is possessive and jealous.

– Your partner frequently makes threats if you say you are going to leave.

– You partner threatens to kidnap or otherwise harm your children.

Getting Help and Moving On with Your Life

Domestic abuse usually moves from threats and emotional and verbal abuse to physical violence. Personal injury is routinely seen in domestic violence cases, but there are long-lasting psychological and emotional issues that result from violence as well. Many victims have poor self-esteem, acute anxiety, depression, and trouble forming healthy relationships. Each of these things is traumatic and painful, and no one should have to suffer them alone. The first step is to accept the reality and the danger of your situation.

Moving on can be different for each individual. For some survivors of domestic violence, getting a new place and starting over is therapeutic. It gives a new set of goals to focus on. Others pick new hobbies. Many women and men take up Martial Arts Self Defense. As they learn the martial arts moves, they find a renewed sense of empowerment.

Author Bio: For more information about martial arts moves, please check out Martial Arts Self Defense.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: martial arts moves, Martial Arts Self Defense

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