Tips For Eliminating Stress

Get Organized.

Getting rid of the clutter and learning how to get your time and office in order will go a long way in helping you alleviate stress. Just think about how much time you’ll save every day if you know exactly where your keys are and where you put that important file for your weekly meeting.

Exercise Regularly.

Whether you start water aerobics or a Martial Arts Self Defense class, exercising is helpful for letting off steam. Plus, taking a self defense class can help you boost your self-esteem and give you a chance to focus on something besides work.

Start Planning.

Take a little time at the end of every day to check off the things you’ve accomplished. Is there something you didn’t get to? Make sure it’s scheduled for the next day’s tasks. Schedule meetings and phone calls and plan the important points you need to discuss before you begin. Write them down so you don’t forget. After you’ve made your plans for the next day, let work go. Everyone needs a break to clear their thoughts and get some much needed rest.

Prioritize your work.

It is essential that you have a plan of attack for managing out your personal and professional goals. Life will be less complicated, less hectic, and less stressful if you get the important stuff done first. Procrastinating will lead to increased stress levels. If you procrastinate regularly, you keep your body in a constant state of stress which can cause health problem down the road if you are not careful.

Take Brakes.

You should take a break from the daily grind at least twice during your work day – once in the morning and once in the afternoon. For tem minutes get up from your desk and take some time to stretch, talk a walk, read a book, or meditate. Catch up with a coworker if you want to, but whatever you do, don’t discuss work. Talk about the next concert or football game you are going to attend or discuss a favorite book or TV show.

Make a Decision.

Once you are assigned a project, you should immediately decide how that project is going to be handled. Will you do it yourself? Will you ask others for help? Will you decide that is a project that doesn’t need to be completed and dump it? If you are going to complete it, go back to one of the previous steps and assign it a priority.


It’s never a good idea to try and be a superhero. Most projects you tackle will require help and input from other team members. Communicate effectively with those people who will be assigned tasks. If you are managing the project, it is a good idea to check in at regular intervals to see if your team members have any questions. As a manager, it’s a good idea to submit a written plan to your teammates so they can keep up with the planned schedule.

Author Bio: For more information about self defense, please check out Martial Arts Self Defense.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: self defense, Martial Arts Self Defense

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