Great-power Status the United States is Facing Economic Difficulties

As the summer heat, these days, the United States is also pressing concerns about recession minds in Washington. Introduction of the rankings in the Articles, no matter on what standard the United States 10 years ago as the world no longer invincible. McKinsey Global Institute, James – Manica said: “For GDP growth, household consumption, industrial production and trade and other economic fundamentals, the United States 10 years ago, all in accordance with the standards of most of the leading Status. “He pointed out that today, the United States rarely among the best in R & D has fallen behind.

Exporting countries as China and Germany in economic developments, while the U.S. faces some people are worried about the Japanese-style deflation and slow growth of long-term. Recognized as the next superpower, China’s patent applications much faster than the United States, the number of well-educated engineers are more than the United States. Most of the United States from a small R & D funding allocated U.S. multinational corporations, some experts worry that these companies will fund to China.

In addition, the United States nearly 10 years not from the political failure of the serious blow to its position to recover. Obama has always taken the trouble to remind the American public, he took a very difficult task: clean up the mess George W. Bush. First, the military resources and attention from Afghanistan to Iraq — spread the war and occupation in Iraq is exhausted and the ruling in the wrong direction, many people believe that this war should never have to open play. Secondly, financial, regulatory and financial sector led to the long-term rash behavior from the “Great Depression” the worst since the recession. Finally, Washington wasted on climate change in leadership opportunities. No one seems to regard the U.S. as an example.

So, indeed, compared with other countries, the United States obviously have a recession, and have lost some prestige. But even if hit, be exceeded, the power of the United States than that of the more resilient opponents. The U.S. forces as “the central stabilizer” of the international system as well. Decline of a reality often overlooked is that the U.S. actually do not match it’s rivals. Indeed, Germany is a major exporter, but it will not again become a global power? Even the Germans do not want this — they have no army to speak of, but no one wants them to build the army. Russia? Well, if you think the KGB managed enterprises and murder dissidents organized action regarded as a model, then the ruling. Japan? It has long be willing to become the Switzerland of Asia, although affluent life and comfort, but almost entirely neutral on all issues. At the same time, given the market pressures experienced by the euro, the EU should do its utmost to prevent their separation.

Look at our magazine list, the “best” is often mono-ethnic state small country, will not cause harm to others: Finland, Switzerland and Sweden. They are beautiful country, but they are hardly any to speak of the geopolitical status of the country, and later there will not be. In the “big” countries, the United States in almost all the major indexes are still easily overwhelm China, including economic, education, health care and the “political environment.”

United States, another important component of the power of the dollar’s unique position. The United States is heavily in debt and only able to not worry about the deficit or the national currency collapse, as most countries have U.S. dollars as their reserve currency. These countries must and can only pay the U.S. debt. How long this will last? Oddly enough, although since the financial crisis, Berlin and Moscow have shown the arrogance of ambition, but the old relationship has not changed. China, Japan and other rich countries in Asia continue to buy U.S. Treasury bonds.

Therefore, the power of the United States may be in decline, but not far away. United States, according to their main mode of creation of the global system will continue to have the support of most countries, even including the “best” country.

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