Sharing the Warmth of Home and Family

In the stressful world of getting the work done and completing the homework, home and family time can be the most neglected aspect in your busy life. Ever wondered where those carefree Fire pit in the living room has gone to?

More and more families are getting estranged every day due to the demands of time constraints in schedule and activities. The blur between the family members are getting more and more hazy as the years go by. Sociologists has tried to explained this phenomenon but are shaking their heads in trying to find the solutions. So what are the issues in the home and family life that has transpired over the years?

The gap between parents and their kids are getting wider. In spite of efforts of technology to quicken communication between people, people just refuse to communicate more. Maybe because people became lax with staying in touch knowing that technology can find way to keep tabs on people that matter to them. Facebook, Twitter, mobile phones, and other communicative platforms have been relied on instead of going the extra mile to really see someone you care about. The downside of this is that people are getting lazy to have real time interaction. This is a sad fact that seems to be eating away the real connection in the family.

The drive for luxurious life has preceded the need to have a good family relations. Every thing now is motivated by money. Parents work two shifts a day to keep the family expenses paid and children are left to the care of other paid care takers to have quality time with. This has become apparent in Western countries where lifestyle comfort dictates social status and prestige. The sharing of values and morality has been neglected by parents due to their financial goals.

Everything is found in the Internet. Gone are the days when you run to your siblings or parents when you need to ask about something. The real emotions and support you get from this scenario is now being replaced by search engines. The Internet has a very powerful database that can answer any of the mundane or embarrassing questions anyone can have. This can protect privacy and reputation – but really, who does not want a hug or a few words of comfort when your question is about feelings or emotions?

Quality time is vastly evolving. Decades back, family and home is essential to the weekly schedules. Nowadays, people take quality time with family for granted because of their belief that they can make it up to them later- or worse expect the family and home to understand over and over again. This can become a source of resentment and become a bad habit. You do not have to wonder next time why your teenager is acting indifferent or unresponsive towards you.

The key to the solutions of what the sociologists are queasy about is merely real family quality time. It can be a night at the Outdoor fire pit and recalling fond memories. Real time interaction and live conversations without the wires and transmissions is the best way to soothe this gap of communications. And hopefully parents can really understand the real value of time spent together in the family.

Author Bio: Lauren Laughlin enjoys writing for which sells fire pits and outdoor fire pits as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: family get together,family bonding,family time,family quality time

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