How to Reduce Stress

1. Get more exercise. Whether you decide to learn martial arts or just vow to take a brisk walk every evening, get your body moving. Martial Arts Self Defense is a great way to blow off steam and getting your brain to focus on something besides the kids fighting, your boss complaining, and the leaky roof. Let exercise be your “me time.”

2. Take a break when you need it. Throughout your day at work you should take scheduled breaks. If you sit at a desk all day long, take some time to get away from the computer screen. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, or go outside for some fresh air. Do some shoulder shrugs and work the tension out of your back and neck. You’ll feel more refreshed and have a more relaxing day at work – even it if it isn’t really all that relaxing.

3. Organize your life. Clutter adds to your stress. How much time do you waste looking for that electric bill in a stack of papers? If you had more time to do the things you loved, you would not feel as stressed out. Start organizing at home and at work and get rid of the things that are just taking up space. Make a trip to Goodwill or the Salvation Army and donate all those old items that are collecting dust. When your space is clutter free your mind can be clutter free too.

4. Plan ahead. It’s time to stop procrastinating. When you put things off until the last minute, chances are you will send your blood pressure through the roof trying to scramble to get a job done. Not only will you be stressed out doing it, but you are also more likely to do a poor job on the project. If you do a poor job at work and your boss gets on your case, there is no doubt you are going to be stressed out more. So, you can see how important it is to make a schedule and stick to it.

5. Prioritize your work. Another thing that causes stress is our failure to prioritize tasks. We put off the things we don’t want to do and end up worry about them for weeks instead of doing them immediately and feeling satisfied that we made an important accomplishment.

6. Don’t wait to make a decision. If you’ve been given a task, decide whether or not you need to do it and when you are going to get it done. If it’s a priority but you can’t get it done alone, start delegating. Use the other people in your life to help you. Don’t take on the world all by yourself. Assign tasks according to other’s strengths and manage the project effectively. Communicate with your team regularly and check up on them to see if they have hit any obstacles or roadblocks. This kind of management approach can be helpful whether you are at the office or getting your family to tackle a big home project.

Author Bio: For more information about learn martial arts, please check out Martial Arts Self Defense.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: martial arts, Martial Arts Self Defense

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