How to Get Started With Freezer Recipes – 5 Helpful Tips

If you have not tried cooking in bulk using freezer recipes, you are missing out. Until recently, I was a stay at home mom of my two little children but last month I got a job and cooking everyday was no more an option for me. Now I cook once a month and use the freezer recipes from ‘Frugal Mom’s Guide to Once a Month Cooking’.

Initially it can seem overwhelming to do so much cooking in one day. Especially if you have children who are too young to help or are a single parent. But there are ways you can make it easier on yourself and still get the benefits from the freezer recipes.

Here are three tips for you to get started.

1. Plan ahead and get someone to watch your kids for you. If you can not afford a sitter, you can trade food for the babysitting. I am sure once of your girlfriends or relatives would love to watch your kids for a day if you give them a couple of dinners you made.

2. Double up. Many people think that to have a whole month’s worth of dinners, they have to make 30 different freezer recipes. You can make prepare double amounts of only 15 different dishes. That way you can serve it twice in the month. Make sure you pack them in separate freezer bags.

3. If you can, invest in a good food processor. One can cost you as little as $30.00 but it will save you tons of time because you can prep all your dishes at once and within seconds.

4. If you have never done this before, you should try to tackle a smaller goal first. You may try to cook for only two weeks and see ow that feels. Not having to cook for two weeks is just as gratifying.

5. Split the task over two days. The night before the ‘big cooking day’, cook all your meats, chop all the vegetables and store in your fridge for the next day.

By following these tips you will see that cooking in bulk with freezer recipes is not as hard as it may seem. After all the idea of not having to do any dishes other what you use to eat in and not having to worry about dinner every night is worth the one hard day of work.

I have resolved time and again to not eat out during the week to save money, but somehow when it came down to the wire and I was exhausted and my brain was fried, I just caved in. By cooking ahead, I save almost $80.00 a month.

I am sure if you plan ahead and give yourself enough time, you will find cooking once a month with freezer recipes a godsend. Imagine what you can do with all the time and money you will save by cooking only once a month and thus shopping for grocery all in one trip.

Author Bio: Click for more tips on cooking once a month with Freezer Recipes or visit or click to check out Frugal Mom’s Guide to Once a Month Cooking

Category: Cooking
Keywords: freezer recipes,once a month cooking,oamc recipes,frugal cooking,cooking on a budget,healthy freeze

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