Aromatherapy and Its Other Uses

Wikipedia describes aromatherapy as a form of alternative medicine that uses volatile plant materials, known as essential oils, and other aromatic compounds for the purpose of altering a person’s mood, cognitive function or health.

There are three modes of application of aromatherapy. Aerial diffusion is used for the purpose of promoting environmental fragrance and disinfecting the air that surrounds it. Direct inhalation is the mode used to promote cure from illnesses. Lastly, topical application is done for massages and therapeutic skin care.

Most people upon hearing the term “aromatherapy” would automatically think of spas and massage parlors. Well these establishments have every reason to integrate aromatherapy because in the first place people go to these places to seek relaxation.

Indeed one of the very popular uses of aromatherapy is to promote relaxation. Some oils produced by certain kinds of herbs affect the part of the brain which controls emotion, behavior also heartbeat and blood pressure; this area is called the limbic system. As an over-all effect, calmness is achieved by the body. Some examples are essential oils from lemon balm, lavender and eucalyptus.

On the other hand, there are other uses of aromatherapy that is quite unknown for most people. Because of its direct effect to some areas of the brain, the role of aromatherapy has expanded from merely relieving minor stress to addressing more pressing concerns in a person’s life.

Aromatherapy and Smoking

No, aromatherapy will not directly make a person quit smoking. This pursuit requires a lot of determination and discipline.

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance. The body has nicotine receptors that multiply upon long term exposure. These receptors make the person want more. This is the reason why chronic smokers find it very hard to quit smoking. In the absence of nicotine, a smoker undergoes anxiety which will make the craving more unbearable.

This is where aromatherapy enters. The power of aromatherapy to promote relaxation and relieve anxiety will help the smoker relax each time they experience nicotine cravings. This will aide in the rehabilitation process.

Aromatherapy and Labor

Overdue delivery may be dangerous to the mother and most especially to the child inside. For women who are past their due, aromatherapy may be a safe alternative to induce labor. The oils that promote relaxation helps because when the mother is too tensed, normal delivery may not set in. Meanwhile, certain oils stimulate uterine contractions to effectively and normally expel the baby.

Aromatherapy and Eating Disorders

As previously mentioned, aromatherapy works by affecting a certain part of the brain called the limbic system. This area happens to hold the gland which regulates thirst and hunger.

The calming effect of aromatherapy also relieves the anxiety associated with eating disorders.

Aromatherapy and Minor Illnesses

Did you know that aromatherapy can also cause relief of skin irritations, colds and flu? Different plant oils contain varied chemicals. These chemicals have in turn different therapeutic properties. These properties are anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, immune stimulant, diuretic, spasmolytic, and mucolytic.

Keep in mind that essential oils used in aromatherapy are derived from plant sources. Therefore different individuals will have varied reactions toward these substances. Side effects may be rare, but those who are highly sensitive might need to consult an alternative medicine specialist before subjecting one’s self to aromatherapy.

Author Bio: Brent McNutt enjoys writing for which sells cherokee scrubs and urbane 9501 as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Aromatherapy ,health

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