Renewable Energy

Non-renewable energy comes from sources that can’t replenished in a short period of time. We get most of our energy from non-renewable energy sources, which include fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, coal and from nuclear energy. Fossil fuels are thought to have been forward from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.

All the energy we use comes from the earth, the electricity we use every day doesn’t come directly from the earth, but we make electricity using the earth’s resources, like coal or natural gas.

Both coal and natural gas are called “fossil fuels” because they were formed deep under the earth during dinosaur times. The problem is that fossil fuels can’t be replaced. Once we use them up. They’re gone forever. In India the coal reserve would last for few 50 years. Another problem is that fossil fuels can cause pollution.

All of us use energy every day- for entertainment, cooking, transportation , lighting, heating, and cooling, homes, manufacturing etc. We consume a lot of energy. When energy is produced from non – renewable fuels, to cool/heat our homes or power our cars for examples, pollutants are released into the air, contaminating the air we breathe and water too. The more energy power plants must produce or gasoline our cars burn, releasing more pollutants into the air. By conserving energy we can lower the amount of pollutants we release into the air and there by help to keep our environment dean. Additionally, if we use less energy we can save money on our electric bill or reduce the amount of money we spend on gasoline. So you can help the environment and save at the same time! You can buy small solar products from

Additionally, we can use energy sources that are clean and efficient. For example, wind and solar energy generate electricity without polluting the air. These types of energy are friendly to our environment and help us reduce our dependence on fossil fuels such as oil and coal, which cannot be replenished.

Renewable energy is a source of energy that can never be exhausted. We can obtain renewable energy that can never be exhausted. We can obtain renewable energy from the sun (solar energy), from the water (hydropower), from the wind (windmills), from hot dry rocks (Magma), hot water springs (geothermal ) and even from firewood, animal manure, crop residues and waste (Biomass).

The use of renewable energy is not new. Five generations ago, wood supplied up to 90 percent of our energy needs. Due to the convenience and low prices of fossil fuels wood use has fallen. Now, the biomass which would normally present a disposal problem is converted into electricity (e.g. manufacturing wastes, rice hulls, and black liquor from paper production).

Use of renewable is not currently expected to approach that of the major fuels, and due to their limitations (e.g., their intermittent nature – cloudy days have no solar gain, quiet days means no wind blows to drive wind turbines, dams quiet days means no wind blows to drive wind turbines, dams are primarily for flood control, so hydroelectricity production varies as dam’s water levels change), renewable may never provide ” the” answer to all energy problems. Around the world renewable energy is providing to be of great value.

Renewable energy is made from resources that mother Nature will replace , like wind, water and sunshine. Renewable energy is also called ” clean energy ” or “green power ” because it doesn’t pollute the air or the water. Moreover, it will not run out. Renewable energy uses natural resources that can be replaced or ” renewed ” without harming the environment and does not contribute to the green house effect and global worming.

Renewable energy sources can be replenished in a short period of time. The five renewable sources used most often include Hydropower (water); Solar; Wind; Geo-thermal and Biomass.

Unlike natural gas and coal, we can’t store up wind and sunshine to use whenever we need to make more electricity. If the wind doesn’t blow or the sun hides behind clouds, there wouldn’t be enough power for everyone.

Author Bio: Alpha Best Solar Panels – Visit our website and get a book on general health by Dr Iqbal absolutely FREE Dr.Iqbal is a medical doctor,trained in Western and Natural Medicine. You can also visit our beauty and health care site

Category: Home Management
Keywords: solar energy, global warming,conserving energy,renewable energy,cost effective solutions

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