Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back After a Breakup – How to Make Him Desperate to Be With You Again

Getting your ex boyfriend back after a breakup can be pretty challenging, so you need to be careful to not become desperate and push him farther away. You might become tempted to call him in the middle of the night telling him you cannot live without him and send emails and text messages without stop. This is just the opposite of what you should be doing. If this sounds like what you have been up to, learn how to make him desperate to be with you again.

When he told you he wanted to end the relationship, your whole world fell a part and you can think of nothing but getting him back. You have tried to call him, but he hangs up on you. With every day your frustration grows and you think you cannot face another day without him.

It is time to recognize that none of the things you are doing will make him desperate to be with you again. Instead, they are making him desperate to get as far away from you as possible. If you want any chance to get your ex boyfriend back, you have to change your tactics fast. Since staying close and in his face is not working, why not do the opposite?

Stop having any contact with him at all and move on with your life. Start thinking of yourself instead of obsessing on your ex boyfriend. Find other things to occupy your time. Take some night classes or join an exercise club. Work on you looks, so that when you do see your ex again, you will knock his socks off. Staying away from him will not be easy to do, but he does not want to see or hear from you right now, so respect his wishes.

Since you have shown him the worst of you by harassing him until he was probably ready to move to another state, you need to make amends. After a couple of weeks without having any contact with him, you can send him an email and apologize for the way you have been acting. Only send one email, do not use this as an excuse to start bombarding him again.

In the email just make a short apology for you conduct and end it. No lengthy explanations or telling him how much you love and miss him. Make it short and to the point. The next few days or perhaps a week after sending the email will seem like an eternity to you, but do not expect him to contact you right away. Being a man, he will have to think about the email and see if it is a trick.

But, he will be thinking of you and that is a positive beginning. Soon your ex will realize that he misses you and upon rereading the apology, he will start to remember the good things about you. This will make him aware that he is still very much in love with you and before long he will desperate to be with you again.

Author Bio: If this is the man for you, don’t give up. There are proven methods to make him love you like never before. Bad mistakes can ruin your relationship for good. To avoid these fatal mistakes, you need proven steps to get your ex boyfriend back and keep him. What you should and shouldn’t do can be found at this Helpful Site.

Category: Break-up
Keywords: getting your ex boyfriend back after a breakup,make him deserate to be with you,get your ex back

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