Using Restaurant Forms in Media and Outdoor Advertising

As an entrepreneur, you understand the importance of media and outdoor advertising in restaurant management. Your ads mainly shares the “who, what, where and why” of your business, which you usually find inside a restaurant employee handbook. Information about your business serves as basis for your advertising copy.

Advertising copy refers to all types of images and text, such as brand name and logo, that restaurants place on advertising mediums. Fast food restaurants fully take advantage of their merchandise as advertising mediums.

They place their name and logo in every plastic cup, table napkin and paper plate they have. Even their walls and floor decorations proudly show off the name and logo as well as the mascots of the fast food chain. They are also notorious for their aggressive marketing towards children with their party packages and free toys in every value meal.

However, if your restaurant is of a different concept, then aggressive advertising may not be the best option for you. Many concept restaurants, such as those offering full service or catering to the high-end market, choose to advertise frequently through popular media, such as TV, print and radio, as well as outdoor advertising.

Outdoor advertising include posters and billboards, which you can strategically place outside of your restaurant where everyone can see them. Attract people’s attention by adding colorful images of the food you serve. Strengthen the appeal by creating a mouth-watering description under each image.

Aside from posters, you may also customize restaurant templates for billfold advertising, which includes menu handbills. However, unlike posters and billboards, menu handbills and promotional leaflets require distribution. Assign one of your employees to stand near your door and distribute the leaflets to passers-by. Your employee engages strangers in a persuasive manner, which is part of employee training in your restaurant employee handbook.

If you want to reach more people without spending time and money on distribution, then you might like to have a large billboard located beside a busy highway. You only pay for the rent for several weeks and you get better exposure because of high visibility.

To create your billboard design, you have two options: you create it yourself or you can organize a contest for freelance graphic designers. The contest seems a more practical choice because the contest itself creates hype and the results of the contest provides the artistic advantage you need in your outdoor advertising.

However, advertising costs tend to swell unexpectedly when you depend too much on mainstream sources. If you operate on a limited budget, then you may want to take advantage of restaurant forms, which you or someone from your staff can customize to fit your needs. Many websites on restaurant management offer free restaurant forms, such as custom templates for posters and billboards, for download.

Customize these restaurant forms by placing your restaurant’s name, logo, address and contact information. Include the name of your sales person or marketing manager, whom people can call for inquiries and reservations.

Author Bio: Jerome Chiaro is a Restaurant Owner & Consultant out of Orange County, CA. Did you know that 95% of restaurant owners and managers spend over 55 hours per week slaving away at their restaurant! He can help you WORK LESS and PROFIT MORE… Claim your copy of his Free Restaurant Forms Toolkit. Success doesn’t happen alone! Join a mastermind of restaurant owners and a wealth of resources, Free at his Restaurant Forms Blog.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: restaurant forms, restaurant templates, restaurant employee handbook

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