How Not to Get Back an Ex

There are many reasons why people who are in a relationship would be suddenly single. It could be a personal choice, failed expectations, and sometimes a realization that maybe; relationships are simply no good for them. Realizing that maybe you are no good to be with anyone is not a good thing. After the relationship ends, the best thing to do is to reflect on what went wrong and what you could have done to make it work. Reconciliation is an option but you must understand that if you want to get back an ex, you should figure out first what really went wrong and how are you going to make it right this time. When it comes to problems with relationship, you may come up with a long list of problems when in fact it could only be summed up to one word: differences. Differences between man and woman are the root of all problems. Because there are two different individuals involved, there will always be two versions of dealing with things in the same situation. Men and women don’t think the same way.

Here are some classic examples of differences between man and woman when it comes to relationship. Have you ever been in a situation wherein you knew you had a great time together then the guy just suddenly stopped calling you? Or have you ever dated a woman who seemed amazing and easy-going then she becomes suddenly difficult? Here are the two versions of each situation. If you think a guy likes you too, but for some reason he just stopped communicating with you, don’t be paranoid. You can just simply ask him why. The first version is a man apologizing, explaining how he has been busy at work. The second version is a woman reading between the lines, thinking of the real reason behind the change. She may even think that he might just change his mind about her. In this case, the man may just be the what-you-see-is-what-you-get type, so stop over-thinking things. In a situation wherein a woman suddenly becomes quiet without any reason at all, you can just simply ask her why. The first version is a woman saying that everything is okay, when in fact she is upset and already making wrong assumptions about you. The second version is a man believing that everything is really fine. Men could really be insensitive at times but they are not mind-readers. If something is wrong, then you should really tell them what’s going on; otherwise, they wouldn’t have any idea. These things often result in misunderstandings and break-ups.

You don’t really need to be expert or to memorize all the tips that you can find in many books about relationship simply because every person is different. What you only need to do is to simply understand that you are two different individuals and you can never think the same way. Once you understand the two versions of every situation, you would find it easy to keep your relationship happy. This way, you won’t have to think of how to get back an ex

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Category: Break-up
Keywords: How Not to Get Back an Ex

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