Keep On Top Of Car Repairs And Preventative Care

Plenty of us have used Roadside Assistance before when stranded on the road. All you need to do is call a toll-free number and someone will be there soon to bail you out.

However, there are plenty of things that we can do that will minimize the chances of being stranded on the road. One way is to make a check list of routine vehicle maintenance and keep on top of car repairs and preventive care. Of course this isn’t a fail safe method but it’s always a good idea to take precautions and to be proactive.

It’s a good idea to always have an extra spare key on hand. Don’t get locked out of your car. Try not to rely on those old fashioned magnetic boxes your grandfather used. Store a spare key in your bag, purse or even wallet. Some companies will make small plastic keys that you can keep in your wallet for opening your locked car. This is way better than using a hanger to pry the lock open.

Have a professional check out the wires of your battery a few times a year. Make sure the battery is secure in it’s holder and that there is no corrosion around the battery posts (the + and -). See if the wires are attached closely or loosely. If they move they need to be tightened. In case they look rusted, worn out or corroded, clean them out or get new ones.

Make sure not to drive on an empty gas tank. We have all pushed that needle to the maximum. Don’t get stuck on the road at night in the rain or snow or in a place with which you are unfamiliar because you thought you could go just a few more miles. I like to refill when I have around a tenth left. Of course there are times I go past that but I never let the needle point at the E for Empty because that’s just not a very smart thing to do.

Are you aware of the five most common reasons for a breakdown. The ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) compiled the following list:

– Evaporative leak: Gas evaporates and it is trapped in a canister until you start your engine. If there is a leak the check engine light will come on. It could be a loose gas cap but you never know for sure. If you don’t know, see a professional for advice.
– Batteries That Have Stopped Working: Check your battery and have it replaced every 3 years or as recommended by the manufacturer.
– Overheating: Make sure your engine gets cooled properly
– Flat tires and blowouts: Having the correct tire pressure can avoid these type of issues
– Engine surge or hesitation: Dirty air filters, high heat and are to blame. Oxygen is required in order for the engine to run. Anything that prevents the intake of oxygen puts strain on the machine.

If for any reason you do happen to break down on the street, simply pull over as far to the right as you can and if you are on the freeway try to get off. Also make sure to have an emergency roadside kit in your trunk. This should consist of :

– 8′ booster cables
– Flashlight
– Rags
– Wet wipes
– Foam pad to kneel on
– Rain poncho
– Flares or reflective triangle(s)
– Duct tape

Chances are you won’t need this kit if you take good care if your car, but it’s always a good idea to be ready and prepared. So keep your kit handy at all times in the cargo.

Author Bio: Written by Jacqueline Star: Dallas Ford, Carrollton Used Cars, Fort Worth Used Cars

Category: Automotive
Keywords: car maintenance, vehicle maintenance, taking care of your car, car care

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