Bad Breath? Worry No More

Have you ever tried talking to someone who is wearing urbane scrubs and suddenly the person you are talking with changes his aura? Have you ever tried conversing with others like those who are in landau 8555 and you abruptly shifted your look to the opposite side, gradually took your handkerchief and put it into your mouth? Have you ever smelled you breath? Is it sweet or foul? If foul, then you might be having a bad breath or medically known as halitosis.

Halitosis is a discomforting condition that can happen to anybody at anytime. This is due to numerous factors. The most popular and common reasons of having this predicament can be easily prevented and treated. However, there are definite medical conditions that may develop to bad breath and should be examined immediately by your personal dentist.

Here are some of the common causes that may lead to halitosis and the preventive measures to stop this problem.

First on the list is the food that you take and the process of digestion it has to undergo. Odors from the spices such as garlic, cabbage, onions and others are evident in your exhalation. Foul smelling odors upon exhalation can also be evident as a result of poor digestion that results to constipation and bowel disorders.

Second is the irregular brushing of the teeth and flossing. The mouth has a temperature of 98.6 F and ideally good for food decomposition. Once you forgot to brush or floss your teeth the food particles starts to decay thus causing a bad odor right after you exhale.

Third, dry mouth or xerostomia. It is a condition in which the saliva production is decreased. It causes bad breath because the trapped food particle which supposedly lubricated and cleansed by the saliva is starting to rot.

Cigarette smoking is also in the list. Wonder why and how? Cigarette smoke passes the lungs upon inhalation and goes out to the nose or mouth upon exhalation. It has an effect to your breath since the chemical residues remain in the airways and continued smoking results to gum disease thus causing bad breath.

Certain medical conditions that cause halitosis are ketoacidosis and chronic renal failure. Ketoacidosis is found in diabetic patients and the smell is usually described as fruity-smelling while the chronic renal failure has a fish-smell odor.

After identifying the factors that cause halitosis, it is just but right and proper to find ways and means in preventing the said condition. How to avoid bad breath?

The first and foremost way to help avoid and eliminate bad breath is by brushing your teeth two to three times a day specifically every after meal. Do it in up and down motion and side to side. Don’t forget to also brush the gums and of course the tongue.

For dry mouth or xerostomia, just sip and drink water often most especially during the daytime and every meal. Have a sugar-free gum chewed or sugar-free candy dissolved in the mouth for saliva production.

In cigarette addiction, quitting is the best way to stop bad breath and occurrence of oral illnesses and infections.

The use of mouth rinse which is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water at 50% concentration each will help eradicate the bacteria.

Lastly, consult your private physician if the bad breath is chronic or serious, the one that does not go away.

Author Bio: Brent McNutt enjoys writing for which sells urbane scrubs and landau 8555 as well as a host of additional products.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Bad Breath,oral care

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