Landfill Diversion, Is Vertical Composting the Answer?

What Is A Vertical Composting Unit(VCU)?

A VCU is a composting method that is contained inside a vertical structure housing an insulated and self aerating chamber. It is capable of processing organic waste in as little as 2 weeks. Running continuously a VCU can compost many tons of organic waste per day.

What Makes This Method Different?

Traditionally organic waste is mixed with a feedstock and then laid out on the ground by enormous tractors and specialized equipment forming long piles called windrows. These windrows must be kept moist and aerated. This is accomplished by using equipment to turn and flip the rows on a regular basis. It can take up to six months or more to compost in this fashion. The down side of this method is the cost of all the equipment, labor and maintenance. Additionally, composting by the windrow method uses a great deal of land and produces odors, attracts vectors (ie, birds, rats, flies, insects) and faces continual fire risk from spontaneous combustion. Agra-Cycle’s newly designed Vee-Stack eliminates all these factors.

What Is A Vee-Stack?

Agra Cycle, a Memphis based non profit organization, has designed a new VCU called the Vee-Stack. The Vee-Stack is one of the greatest advancement in VCU construction and operation since their introduction to the market over thirty years ago. Using technology pioneered by the space industry and design innovation that increases efficiency, Agra Cycle has redefined the paradigm and at a fraction of the cost.

How Does A VCU Operate?

The main chamber of the VCU is suspended off the ground in a framework that is loaded with organic waste from the top. It operates under a plug-flow system that allows air to enter the bottom of the chamber and exit the top. This creates a chimney effect. As the compost is broken down by bacteria it creates heat and draws cooler air in from the bottom which fuels the process even more. If you know what a chimney fire is, than you have a good idea of how a VCU operates.

What Is The Motivation?

Recycling your own organic waste on site has many benefits, but the bottom line is the difference you can see in your balance sheet. A VCU can save significant expenses in waste removal and it also qualifies for the earning carbon credits which can be sold or traded on the Chicago Climate Exchange.

Is It Just About The Money?

Consider the moral and ethical implications of recycling. For every ton of organic waste that you divert from the landfill, you eliminate about 3/4 ton methane gas, (a greenhouse gas that is 27 times more destructive than carbon dioxide.) Your company reduces its environmental impact AND it’s carbon footprint. Cap and Trade is coming in one form or another, wouldn’t now be a better time to be prepared for it.

What Sets Agra-Cycle Apart?

While most of us have an understanding of how wine is made, very few have the expertise and specialized knowledge to produce anything that is drinkable! That same principle holds true for composting organic wastes. In order to compost organic waste, it must first be processed into a uniform size before it can be mixed with a suitable feedstock. Then the mixture must then be adjusted to meet specified moisture content and precise pH levels before it can be loaded into the unit. But that is all easier said than done. The alternative is to have a company like Agra-Cycle that has the specialized knowledge, operate and maintain the VCU.

What Is The Bottom Line?

While it may be hard in today’s economic climate to entertain purchasing a major piece of equipment it is a lot easier to accommodate when it you see what it is actually going to save. A business with organic waste disposal costs greater than $100,000 could cut about half from their current budget. Now that is called sustainability in action

Copyright 2010 Greg Traver

Author Bio: Greg Traver is a syndicated columnist with a passion for sustainability issues. His work is timely and entertaining and featured on millions of websites worldwide. To read more of his work you may visit Organic Gardening For Life! For more information about Agra-Cycle you may visit

Category: Business Management
Keywords: landfill diversion, composting organic waste, food waste, AgraCycle,Vee-Stack

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