Beware of Relabeled Wholesale “Natural” Skin Care Products

Some retail companies will buy a wholesale natural skin care product manufactured by someone else and put their company’s name on the label. It’s not an unusual practice. It just makes it hard for consumers to know who to turn to when they have a problem.

According to US FDA surveys, the majority of cosmetic users have had an allergic reaction to one formula or another at some point in their lives. The inclusion of allergens in creams, lotions and other cosmetics is commonplace. It’s not a good practice. It’s just business as usual.

There are few regulations concerning what ingredients can and cannot be included in skincare products. Because of this, the FDA advises customers to note the ingredients in any products causing an allergic reaction.

If the consumer must seek the care of a dermatologist, a report can be filed concerning the adverse reaction. If enough reports are filed, the products “could” be recalled. Retailer’s use of the private label or wholesale natural skin care product complicates the process.

The FDA occasionally inspects the manufacturers’ facilities to ensure they adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices. Reports of adverse reactions sometimes lead to those inspections.

In 2009, the Clarcon laboratory in Utah was inspected and numerous products manufactured there were recalled due to unsafe levels of bacteria in many of the company’s products. The recall was ironic in that many of the products recalled were antibacterial agents.

They were promoted as being useful for preventing infection, when in fact they were actually causing infections. Some of the reported infections required medical attention and resulted in permanent damage to the skin’s health.

The Clarcon name would not appear in large print on the front of the bottle. That’s not to say that every wholesale natural skin care product is bad. But as a consumer, you are taking an unnecessary risk when you buy private label products.

You will always get the best prices when you buy from a company that is the manufacturer, the distributor and the sole retailer. Of course, you won’t find those kinds of products on department store shelves. The department store always wants their percentage of the profits.

When a company sells direct to the consumer, they are more cautious about their manufacturing processes and they can sell for less. Basically, you can pay what a retailer would pay for a wholesale natural skin care product.

Retailers mark up the products by as much as 100%. So a lotion that cost them $25 could cost you as much as $50.

You also pay more for products that are heavily advertised on television and in magazines. In some cases, the cost of advertising exceeds the cost of the ingredients.

Effective naturally occurring ingredients are expensive. For example, natural vitamin E costs twice as much as its synthetic cousin. Yet the benefits of the synthetic version have never been proven.

So that’s what you should know about a wholesale natural skin care product. It might not be the bargain you are looking for.

Author Bio: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years searching for the best natural skin care products available. The skin care product line she discovered uses a proprietary blend of all natural ingredients like Cynergy TK and wakame. To learn more visit her anti wrinkle creams website.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: wholesale natural skin care product

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