Pittsburgh Heavy Industry Magnificent Transfiguration

Of the Pittsburgh office workers, Thursday is always a desirable date. Every day at noon, the center will hold up a PPG Plaza Digg this white awning, suburban farmers who coincidentally brought together from all directions to here, bringing the freshest fruits and vegetables, flowers, secret size, dessert, there are cheap and tasty roast native – mashed potatoes, stuffing Jianjiao. White-collar workers, housewives, the elderly, children, pet dogs, bees, within a radius of a few years all life seems to have been attracted over. Square fragrant, big crowds. Stall holders and customers talking and laughing, all items are made in cash.

This square is most proud of Pittsburgh landmark. White marble rectangle around the pavilion, surrounded by four entirely made of glass and steel tower structures. The new tower’s design follows the Gothic style. Towering spire 231, highlighting disrupted buttress wall mirror reflection, the glass wall to break the traditional sense of the heavy stone structure, replaced by the Smart Living, walking one feel like being in Wizard Castle.

This “castle” of the builder is a local maximum, one of the oldest of the consortium – Pittsburgh Glass Group. It has witnessed a century of Pittsburgh to rise or fall. This Zeng Yi steel, metal and glass manufacturing industries dominate the world’s cities, now has completely new look, technology, health and education sector to replace the traditional pillar industry of new life. Leave a mark on those heavy industry, was cleverly followed in the cultural and entertainment industries, the city formed a distinctive personality Pittsburgh.

PPG Place was built in the early 80s of last century. At that time, the steel industry fell into decline, a large number of factory closures, unemployment, coupled with serious environmental pollution led to the workers family to move out of Pittsburgh. Just a few decades, the local population plummeted by half. A well-known local food company heir and philanthropist Jack Heinz, not bear to see the home reduced to such a situation, and decided spared no expense to the city center transformed into a cultural arts center.

But the very business-minded Heinz, and do not donate money directly to municipalities, but many parts of the wealthiest businessmen combined together to create a trust fund called the cultural non-profit institutions, a lot of contributions by the Fund management.

The first reconstruction project, is now the seat of world-renowned Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra – Heinz Hall. Heinz bought the verge of collapse at the Rockwell cinemas, in the original building, the re-assemble the wall to wall marble adds a sense of its gorgeous, and renamed the Heinz Hall. Three-story windows, velvet curtains, crystal chandeliers, red carpet, paint gold statue of … … into the hall, as if through time and space, back to the 30s.

Today, the Pittsburgh center of the art scene has to accommodate the 14 theaters, galleries, parks and arts institutions, more than 1,500 performances staged each year. When night fell, three rivers of Pittsburgh on the peninsula formed by intersection, a distance looked skyscrapers, traffic surge, brightly lit.

The transformation of the city center, only the Pittsburgh Urban Renewal in the CBD. More successful, is the city’s overall image and economic reforms. In 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama will be elected G20 summit in Pittsburgh, the host city, it is hoped that successful transformation of Pittsburgh, would bring the economic crisis hit the city suffered some of reference.

80s of last century, with the steel industry to a standstill, the government promulgated a set of new urban development plan will be developed with the vision to focus on higher education.

Unemployed steel workers in the government’s encouragement, have returned to campus, the direction will shift to the medical, financial and other industries. Today, the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has become the nation’s leading transplant centers organs. another local prestigious Carnegie Mellon University, has become the nation’s top high-tech research center.

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Category: World Affairs
Keywords: heavy duty caster,heavy duty shredders,tungsten heavy alloys,

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