Meniere’s Disease Treatment For Acute and Chronic Stages

There hasn’t been a cure for the disease called Meniere. But there have been treatments for this. The treatment’s aim is just to minimize the pressure in the inner ear to relieve the patient from the symptoms of the disease. Meniere’s disease treatment could be divided in two since there is the acute stage and the chronic stage.

In the acute stage, Meniere’s disease treatment would focus on relieving these symptoms which are pressure, discomfort or fullness in the ear, drop attacks, painful tinnitus, fluctuating hearing loss, and severe vertigo or dizziness. To initially address the symptoms during the attacks, most patients just stay in place lying down. It is good if they could look at one spot. As others wants to be held, some wants to be alone. They must not be given any drinks as they could be choked. Plus, it may aggravate vomiting.

Some of Meniere’s disease treatment for the acute stage includes antihistamines, anticholinergics, sedative-hypnotics, anti-emetic agents, anti-nausea, or diuretics. These drugs are given to take care of the symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, and related nausea and vomiting. Different medications may be given between attacks to help normalize the fluid pressure in the inner ear, thus minimizing also the intensity and frequency of the attacks. Rest is very important during severe episodes until one week after the symptoms are gone, then the patient could resume to normal activities. Patients should use dim lights, no watching of television sets, no reading as this could trigger the symptoms to get worst.

In the chronic stage, Meniere’s disease treatment would focus on relieving the symptoms of vertigo in which patient experiences spinning and loss of balance; dizziness or light headedness; frequent sensation of fullness or wax in the ear; on and off and irritating hearing loss; and the uneasy and painful ringing in the ear. Some of Meniere’s disease treatment for a chronic stage would include surgery on the labyrinth, endolymphatic sac, or the vestibular nerve. In doing so, it lowers the pressure within the endolymphatic sac. Another surgery performed as disease treatment would be the insertion of a shunt. A shunt is a small silicone tube that will be positioned in the inner ear to take off excess fluid. In a good surgical treatment called Vestibular Neurectomy, the vestibular nerve that serves balance is severed that the brain may no longer receive distorted messages.

Vestibular Neurectomy, labyrinthectomy, sacculotomy, ultrasonic irradiation, endolymphatic or subarachnoid shunt and cryosurgery are just some of the surgeries that could be performed when the situation is severe and is not responding to other treatments. And since there is no proven cure on Meniere’s disease, long term of having it could cause permanent tinnitus or a hearing loss. And even all surgeries on the ear could bring in the risk in losing sense of hearing.

Meniere’s disease treatment, combined with the right diet which includes low-salt diet to reduce fluid retention, abstinence from alcohol and cigarettes, less exposure to stress and avoiding sudden movements may lead to a relief on symptoms of the disease. Using this combination, it appears to regulate the inner ear fluid levels, as it nourishes depleted cells.

Author Bio: If you are looking for more information on menieres disease treatment, visit Barbara Thomson’s blog. To find out which tinnitus guide is the best fit for you go to

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: menieres disease treatment,menieres disease,tinnitus,diseases,health

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