Family Heritage Life Insurance Co.- Saved My Friend’s Life

Chad’s life was hanging by a thread. He was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer, he was only thirty four. Sitting by his side in the hospital with his wife and two young children, I could see the despair in his eyes. I could sense the fear. Later, he told me he wanted to live to see his children grow up. Chad also wondered how he was going to pay for all this treatment, after all his health plan at work only covered 80%.

Unfortunately, Chad’s lung cancer was an aggressive one with a long name. He was told by his oncologist that the best place for treatment was at the University of Pittsburgh- Cancer Institute, they were world renowned for his type of cancer. Chad and his wife flew to Pittsburgh to meet with the specialists, anxious for a ray of hope in the devastation cancer had brought to their lives.

The good news was his cancer battle could be won. The bad news was it would take eighteen to twenty four months to win the battle. He began treatments that very day. When he returned home there was hope in his eyes. The road was long and fraught with setbacks and triumphs. Chad could only work sporadically due to his weakened state. His wife, children and family rallied to his side. I was cautiously optimistic, after hearing the oncologist’s report from Chad.

The next year and a half seemed like a dozen years. I would visit my friend, in between visits to Pittsburgh, and just listen and give him encouragement. It was hard to believe that this once vibrant young man was struck at the age of thirty four with such a deadly disease. I would come to his house as did his family and help with the household chores. There is always doors or cabinets that need fixing and grass to be mowed. Chad’s mom was a godsend, she took off work to ferry the children for their doctors visits, cheer leading practice and the many other errands needed by the family. Chad’s wife was a rock throughout all this turmoil and was his caretaker for his at home treatments and waited anxiously while he was in Pittsburgh for weeks at a time.

The good news is Chad has crested the hill in his battle with lung cancer and on his way to recovery. It has been close to two years and the end is in sight. The odd thing is Chad never smoked and still got lung cancer. You never know what you will face in this life. I once asked him how he was holding out financially. He said cancer is an expensive disease and you can never know what cancer will strike you. It could be a short battle or a long one. He met a guy in Pittsburgh that had battled lung cancer for ten years. He said he never realized his disability insurance paid him only 60% of his salary. He rattled off all his bills like the mortgage and insurance, his car payments and insurance and utilities, union dues and a bunch of others. He then mentioned his new bills, co-pays,deductibles, travel for treatment, oncology bills, xrays and radiation and chemo. I never realized the extra costs.

Fortunately, Chad had purchased a policy from Family Heritage Life Insurance Company. One year before his diagnosis of lung cancer. Family Heritage Life Insurance Co. had a CancerCare and ICU policy that also covered Hearts Attacks and Strokes, as well as, other serious threats. He said it was cheap and covered him and his family.

Family Heritage Life Insurance Co. had paid for his dozen flights to Pittsburgh and for his wife to accompany him. He wanted her advice about his treatments. Chad told me That Family Heritage had wired money into his bank account for the surgeries, hospital stays, chemo,radiation and a bunch of other items covered under the plan. He said he never worried about money after remembering he had purchased the CancerCare plan. He said it was a relief not to worry about finances, he just focused on beating the cancer. He felt that the plan allowed him to go where the specialists were in Pittsburgh and get the best possible treatment.

Family Heritage Life Insurance Co. saved my friend Chad’s life. I keep Chad in my prayers nightly, and have added Family Heritage. Yes, seeing Chad and his families struggle has prompted me to purchase a CancerCare and ICU-Heart policy. I now know that Cancer and Heart Disease are America’s two biggest killers. I still hear Chad’s words “You Never Know”.

Author Bio: Dirk Bristol is a freelance writer with varied interests. He is an ex ingrown hair sufferer and health care expert. Visit his website Ingrown Hair Facts for real world advice. To find out more about cancer and heart financial protection visit- Family Heritage Life Insurance Get the best treatment available not what you can afford.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: cancer, Family Heritage Life, Family Heritage Life Insurance Company, CancerCare, cancer treatment,

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