Middle School Wrestling Teams Have Determined Participants

It’s five o’clock in the morning and you’re still asleep, cozy and warm in your bed. You might work out a couple of days a week. Though you might go on the occasional diet to fight the flab around your middle, you typically eat whatever you want. You would never wear a leotard, and we’re all happier for it.

Middle school wrestlers, however, are up well before dawn. Their training regimen puts them through a series of highly difficult and taxing exercises. They are up at five, and they do workout every day, often times more than once, and they are constantly on a ridiculously strict diet. They frequently have to cut weight in order to reach a lighter class of wrestlers, thereby giving themselves a possible advantage over their equally determined competition.

Obviously it takes some serious dedication to be a middle school wrestler. That’s one of the reasons middle school wrestling fundraisers are so successful. Fundraising in middle school usually lacks in effort because of the age of the participants. But the same is not true of middle school wrestling fundraisers. They have the discipline necessary to succeed. After all think about the things they must do.

Weight cutting is a serious concern with the world of wrestling. A number of techniques exist for cutting weight. A common one is ingesting salt tablets and reducing water consumption over the course of a week so as to cut pounds. With the human body being comprised of 70 percent water, this method can be very effective. It is also very dangerous. Another, equally dangerous method is running in rubber clothing. The clothing does not allow the bodies sweat to remove heat and cool the wrestler. The body continues sweating as it tries to cool itself and thus removes a large quantity of water from the body. Both methods do actually work very well for reducing pounds, but both are also highly dangerous and have the potential to cause permanent harm. A local wrestler said that he is “best prepared for weigh in when [he] feels like [he] is going to die and that it hurts to walk because [his] feet have no padding left.”

Many wrestlers, however, cut weight through healthy means. They maintain a strict diet and do everything possible to take off pounds, but in a method that is not detrimental to their bodies.

Middle school wrestlers typically are still in a developmental stage, both in life and in terms of their skill level. Therefore, it is often a terrible idea for them to use the unhealthy methods to lose weight, because it can cause serious and permanent damage to their bodies. Parents of these young wrestlers should keep a close eye on their athletes to prevent such damage from occurring.

Wrestling is a great sport. It is one of the oldest forms of sport still in existence, and for good reason. It requires top physical conditions and lightning fast reflexes and instincts. Starting young, a wrestler can develop a lifelong love for the sport and a work ethic that will carry them far.

Author Bio: Written by Howard Gottlieb, President of Easy Fundraising Ideas We offer some of the most popular Pizza Fundraising Cards. Pizza cards have been one of the most popular Sports Fundraising Ideas. Call toll free (866) 874-8383 and let us help you get started.

Category: Sports
Keywords: sports fundraising, fundraising, wrestling

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