What Do Girls Really Want From Men

I supposed this question has been in existence ever since the time the human race first set foot on planet Earth. Some men even spend their entire lives trying to figure out what girls really want, and this is especially true if they are dating or even have been married for years and yet are at a loss over this perplexing question.

Are girls that really hard to understand? Is this the reason why some people think that women are from Venus and men came from Mars? There are so many theories and concepts to justify this phenomenon, but many of these theories are in conflict with each other making the question even more perplexing.

The mainstream thinking is that women demand utter compliance and respect from their guys and thus many men play subservient roles to please their women so that they can be accepted. However, many of these men seem to get rejected by those they are trying hard to please and are being dumped when playing this subservient role. On the other hand, those supposedly “bad boys” who seem somewhat a little cocky and wouldn’t give a heck to women seem to have girls climbing all over them. What on earth is happening here?

Well, many years of studying the whims of the fairer sex, I have made up some of my own conclusions as to what really women want from men. Let’s put it this way, just imagine what nature created us to be which is women are feminine and men are masculine. Duh? Let me elaborate.

First, let me ask you a question. When you think of masculine men, who are those who come to your mind? Brad Pitt, Jean-Claude Van Damme , Arnold Schwarzenegger or even Batman? Okay, I am stretching your imagination a wee bit here, but you do get the picture.

Like it or not, girls are psychologically programmed to adore the classic strong and confident man. Men who have leadership characteristics, who can kick butts when they need to and yet are gentlemanly and who can protect their women. This gives the ladies a wonderful sense of security and warmth.

I don’t mean that you should go out picking fights and beat up other guys. The days of bringing home the enemy’s scalp for home or rather cave decorations are just not the in ting anymore. We are not savages of the past. All you need to do is to portray that you can give your woman warmth and security, able to bring home the bacon and are respected socially is enough to turn any woman on.

An example as to how you can show this masculine attribute is to become a decision maker. Do not ask women out for dates by asking what they want to do or like to do. Just take the lead and decide where you want to go and what you want to do, then simply invite her along. Sometimes you don’t even need to tell her your plans. Keep a little mystery and get the sexual tension up and she will be very excited about the night out with you.

Show women that you are in charge and she will let you take charge. Show women that you are only out to please her and she will think of you as a wimp and that is not being very masculine, isn’t it?

Women also need to have social proof to confirm that you are a well liked and are well respected by your peers. If other people can respect you, then you are certainly respectable to her. So if others think that you are an awesome guy, then it must be awesome indeed!

This is especially so if other girls are enjoying your company and think that you are a great guy to be with. She you take it as an endorsement by other girls that you will make a great mate and she will be lapping up to you even more. So go and mix with the girls and you will attract even more of them.

Another thing that you should know is to make yourself appealing to her emotion, not her logic. Women want men to make them feel good and comfortable. Her primitive instinct is that she will spend the rest of her life with you and if the you cannot feel good and secured, then the rest of her life with you will be a miserable one.

So make women laugh frequently because laughter makes people produce more endorphin which is a feel good hormone which is also produced when people are having sex and if you are able to do that, you will come across as being very sexy indeed.

So when you are able to communicate on an emotional level with women, you will definitely be much more successful with them.

So what do girls really want from men? The answer is actually very simple. They want men who can take charge, who are confident and can make decisions and men who can provide them warmth, security and emotional connection. In other words, women want to be with masculine men, the confident alpha male. Are you up to the mark?

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a sought after fitness and relationship consultant who counts models, actors and other celebrities as his clients. Read his free articles at How to get women interested in you and Attract girls pheromone cologne

Category: Relationships
Keywords: what do girls really want from men, women, confident man, alpha male

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