SEC Investigation Led to a Plug Single Phenomenon

Current SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) is trading on Wall Street, but the sudden emergence of a large number of orders were canceled immediately to investigate the phenomenon.

It is understood that the current market, the phenomenon is called “plug single phenomenon.” Single phenomenon in Cyprus, the stock market tends to emerge in the moment a large number of purchase and sales orders, but these orders will be in there soon after flew cancel.

“Wall Street Journal,” citing people familiar with the news reports, SEC is currently analyzing whether such a transaction will lead to abnormal stock price volatility. At the same time, the Fed also hopes that the survey Discovery “Cypriot single phenomenon” is the cause of the Wall Street stock market on May 6 this year, lightning appears the real reason for collapse.

It is reported that, in the afternoon of May 6 this year, the stock market trading, the Dow Jones industrial average stock index suffered the most significant ever, the most rapid decline, the value of hundreds of stocks in a matter of minutes evaporated. As the problem was too short so that regulatory agencies have not so far clear in the end what happened and lead to the real cause of the incident. On the 6th day, more than 90% of the U.S. stock market plunge, many stocks staged a wild roller coaster-like ups and downs. Boston Beer Company opened the same day reported that 59.44 U.S. dollars, “Lightning crash” in the stock price dropped to a free fall straight “0”, then rebounded to close at 55.82 U.S. dollars. U.S. technology consulting firm Accenture shares plummeted by the 40 U.S. dollars 1 cent a time, then back to 40 dollars. In the May 7, the Dow continues to plunge. Just two days, the Dow ended down 486 points, Wall Street the past six months rose instantly vanish.

After closing in on the 6th, the United States “SFC” and “Commodity Futures Trading Commission to” immediately issue a joint statement, announced a thorough investigation of this incident, and the disclosure could right the United States Zhengquan trading mechanism Jin Xing “structural Biange”, Bimian Leisiqingkuang again place to protect the interests of investors. Moreover, the most senior U.S. government also have great concern. U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and the National Economic Council President Summers on the 6th day was dedicated to the Obama report.

After investigation, the first news that a trader “operational errors” led to the crash. Sources said Citibank sold by a trader in stocks, should enter the letter M at the beginning of the “million”, but wrong according to become a B at the beginning of the “billions”, which instantly triggered panic selling comprehensive, lead abnormal stock fell sharply. But there is no record evidence of the input error. Citibank has denied the claim. With the probe, many U.S. experts believe that Wall Street securities trading system of the “systemic defects”, which shares in the short period of time”electronic control” instead of the human brain is the culprit causing this crash, said the large-scale ” electronic trading platform “of the invention and spread, greatly enhance the trading efficiency in the same time has also planted a large-scale, systematic bane of crazy speculation.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in addition to “plug a single phenomenon” but also of a so-called “micro-file Pricing” (sub-penny pricing) behavior analysis. They think that the act is likely to be the market used to manipulate the market. In the “micro file pricing”, each offer a single price is very strange. Informed sources said that in the case of micro-files quote, order pricing uncharacteristically increased gradually, and only one-tenth cents per changes in the actual transaction price and stock disparities.

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