I Have Bad Credit: Help With a Personal Loan, Please! – 5 Tips For Getting Funded

It is a strange, unwritten but very real rule in the world of finances and loans: the less money you have, the harder it is to get access to borrowed money. But, the more money you already have, the more easily you can borrow money at any time. Strange paradox, isn’t it?

This paradox of the lending world is all-too-real for so many people today. Whether due to having lost their job, seeing their mortgage go underwater, or running into unforeseen medical expenses, suffering a sharp decline in one’s credit score is a very common occurrence these days. And, this is often not the fault of the person involved at all.
It is tough enough having a bad credit score (FICO score under 600), but even worse is having a bad score when you need to borrow some money. Just approaching personal loan lenders for a loan while having a bad credit score is a depressing experience for most people. Nobody likes the feeling of getting rejected again and again – and it isn’t very a productive experience, either.

If you are saying, “I have bad credit: help with a personal loan!”, here are 5 tips for getting funded:

1. Understand how a personal loan works:
First, it is important to know what you are getting into. A personal loan is one someone will often choose to take out when they need cash for something other than buying a home, car, boat, or RV. With a personal loan, you can use the money for anything you want. Interest rates for personal loans are usually higher than are loans for a home or a car.

2. Decide whether you need a secured or an unsecured loan:
With this type of loan, you have two options: secured or unsecured. A secured loan is one where you put up some type of collateral, such as a valuable possession or a financial instrument (like a certificate of deposit) against the amount you borrow. On the other hand, an unsecured loan is one where you do not need to put up any collateral at all.
Usually, secured loans come with lower interest rates, but both loan options can be very economical – especially if the loan period is fairly short.

3. Get a hold of your credit report:
Before making any moves toward applying for a loan, start by running your own credit report. Remember, a credit report contains thousands of pieces of data about your financial history. If you have not checked your report recently for signs of identity theft or reporting errors, you may be running the risk of having a much lower score than you deserve.

4. Fix the glitches:
If you discover any glitches or errors on your report, act at once to address each one with the credit authority that issued the credit (FICO) report. They are required by law to listen to your protest and take it seriously – removing any errors that you can prove are indeed errors.

5. Improve your odds by applying to multiple lenders:
Now, it is time to apply. Start by doing a search for “bad credit personal lenders.” Create a list of at least 5-7 lenders. Research the website of each one to determine those that look reputable, or purchase a list from a reliable bad credit lending list source. Then, start applying. Make sure you apply to a minimum of 5 lenders in order to get yourself the best-possible loan rate.

Take these 5 tips to heart as you pursue a bad credit personal loan.

Author Bio: Get a fail-safe how-to guide on securing a personal loan today at: Miracle Bad Credit Loan Source.

Category: Finances
Keywords: I Have Bad Credit: Help With a Personal Loan,5 Tips for Getting Funded, bad credit, loan help

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