Battery Bikes, What Is A Battery Bike And Why Would I Buy One?

Battery bikes or as they are variously known, electric bikes, e-bikes or battery powered bicycles are becoming more popular and more common place. At the beginning of this style of transport the choice was limited and the design seemed rather ‘old fashioned’ but not anymore! Technology has moved on very quickly and with advances in battery manufacture power packs are now lighter and give a greater distance and frame design is much more stylish.

So what’s a battery bike, and why are Battery Bicycles becoming so popular?

Battery Bikes aka electric bikes are power assisted bicycles that offer motorized power assistance through the use of electric motors and battery technologies. Limited by UK & EU law to 200W/250W motors and with an assisted top speed of 15mph, the motive of a battery bike is that its assistance ultimately reduces the cycling effort and increases the useable range of the bicycle concept. Battery Bikes are classed as bicycles though do not attract road excise duty in the way that mopeds would do and, of course, they can make use of the ever increasing national network of quality cycle paths and routes.

Battery Bike – Who’s it for?

The battery bike concept has a wide market appeal to different people of all different ages. The motorised assistance expands the usable range of the bicycle as a mode of transport and makes daily commuting much easier. It has health and fitness benefits since the rider is still more active than they would otherwise be if sat in a car and if the concept makes the thought of cycling more appealing, then it will be used more regularly than a normal bike.

One problem that most of us face as we get older is that as our fitness diminishes through age or inactivity, the sheer thought of sustained hard effort can be enough to put us off. Even if we do venture out on a push-bike, as soon as a head-wind or a hill is encountered and our speed drops to a crawling pace, our thoughts can all too easily drift back to the comforts and convenience of the motor car. It’s an irony to think that although we’d all benefit from regular exercise, it is most hard to maintain the impetus to get into the routine at the very beginning because our bodies complain so much during the early stages of any regime.

Why buy a battery bike?

The reasons for buying a battery bike are varied, you could be looking for an environmentally friendly way to get to work or you may want to just ride a bike in your leisure time and would like some help with the pedalling, either way the Batribike range has something suitable for everyone.

Battery Bike Advantages?

– Green – Although using more energy than if there were no power input, an electric bicycle uses a very small amount of energy compared to other motorised forms of transport. It also creates a lot less noise pollution than vehicles with combustion engines.

– Fitness – Many would argue that a conventional bicycle would keep you fitter, this is true if you ride regularly, but if having an electric bike means that you go out more often the advantages are obvious. An electric bike will help with hills, when it’s windy and help with carrying loads.

– Commute – If sitting in traffic drives you mad in the mornings but arriving at work all hot and worn out after a hard bicycle ride doesn’t appeal to you then an electric bike could be the answer. It takes much less effort to maintain a steady speed with a pedal assist bike.

– Running cost – Typically an electric bike costs ten times less per mile to run than a car! There is no MOT or insurance required to ride an electric bike on the road.

– Safety – When riding up a hill most cyclists slow down, this makes the bike much less stable and in more danger from passing cars and lorries. An electric bike can help maintain speed and therefore safety on hill climbs.

– Cycle Paths – Because an electric bike is counted as a ‘bicycle’ by law you are legally allowed to ride it on cycle paths. This gives the commuter and leisure cyclist access to a huge network of routes that are not available to other motorised users.

Author Bio: Sue Coulson is the test rider for Batribike. Sue writes a blog detailing her test riding experiences embellished with comments on the changing seasons in the British countryside. Sue is a keen supporter of cycling safely. Website: Blog:

Category: Advice
Keywords: battery bike,electric bike,battery bikes,battery bike concept,battery powered bicycles,e bike

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