Road Rage and Accidents

What acts as a trigger to get you in a bit of a huff in the car? And how quickly does that level of annoyance approach something close to road rage? There are few accurate measures of road rage leading to accidents but auto insurers know this happens. When it happens to you, your auto insurance policy is doubling or tripling as it wings its way through the postal system to you.

So what pushes your buttons and turns you from a sensible driver into an ogre? For some people it is getting stuck behind a little old lady driver who is driving just below the speed limit. Many of us think that the speed limit is the minimum speed we ever want to be driving at and get enraged when someone slows us down.

If it is a truck that slows us down, the rage can usually be contained, as we all know the truck cannot go any faster uphill because it would, if it could. However, in either situation, the little old lady or the truck, once impatience starts to build there will be a lot of drifting out to check the road ahead until we finally find a gap, even if it is one we would normally never dive out into. Impatience drives us to be more reckless.

What about people cutting in? Imagine you are in a line of people patiently edging toward an exit off a motorway but making little progress. After about 10 minutes or crawling towards the desired exit you are close enough to see what is happening. Those who do not think queuing is for them are racing up to the final point where there is a chance to pull into the exit and pushing in. Can you keep the road rage monster under control when you see that or do you spread yourself across the exit and risk a crash?

I have to admit that this is a situation that makes me mad. Why should I wait patiently, or even impatiently, when there are others pushing in? The answer is quite simple. If we all behaved like them it would be mayhem on the roads. Also, think about that time that you were in unfamiliar territory and you almost missed your exit so that you had to push in at the last minute. The person you are about to lose your cool at maybe in just that situation.

In addition, faced with stressful situations on the road, you do have to ask yourself how you want to behave. Do you want to be one of the people who makes it all worse or do you want to demonstrate considerate behavior in the hope that you will be a role-model for others?

Many people get caught up in the rush that is modern life and think that their time is so much more important than yours. Don’t let their behavior poison your thinking.

Stay calm and laugh all the way to the bank with cheaper auto insurance as a result of resisting road rage and eliminating auto accidents from your life.

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