Dating Advice: Five Subtle Ways to Impress Her at Dinner

Being with a gorgeous woman on a dinner date can be a deeply romantic occasion. As your love blossoms you will remember these occasions with pleasure, as will she. You should enjoy it as much as you can and be yourself. However, if you want to make the evening go even more smoothly then take note of these simple but effective tips. It doesn’t matter if the only meal out you have is a hamburger and fries, follow these five dating tips and you’ll come across like a connoisseur.

1) Guide her to the table

Take your time as you enter the restaurant and allow the waiting staff to do their job. However, when they lead you to the table, let your dating partner slip ahead and touch the small of her back with your open palm, gently guiding her to the table. It is a small sign of affection which shows that you are in control, but not controlling, feel protective of her, but aren’t being too pushy.

2) Smell the wine, don’t sip it

Ordering wine worries some people, so here’s the most reassuring dinner dating tip you can have – the restaurant’s house wine (usually the cheapest) should be perfectly ok! No decent restaurant will have a poor house wine if it wants to stay in business. When the waiter brings the bottle ask to try it, swirl it in the glass and give it a smell. This is what the real experts do and it should be enough to discover if it is a decent wine, so don’t bother sipping it.

3) Eat like a man

You don’t have to order bloody steak but it’ll do no harm, unless you are dating a vegetarian. Order big, order plenty and eat the lot. There’s nothing more off-putting to a women when dating than a bloke who eats less than she does. She’ll have more fun if she can relax and see you happily tucking in, so get that T-Bone and make it extra rare!

4) Let her take some of your food

A lot of women hate to appear glutinous and won’t want to order food which makes them appear to be greedy when dating a man. However, just because she’s ordered a salad it doesn’t mean she doesn’t fancy a bit of your steak. Some guys hate it when others take from their plate – get over it! For many women, sharing is caring. If she isn’t allowed to share your food, then don’t expect her to share anything else with you. The best advice is to offer her a bite after you have taken just one mouthful.

5) Be a gent and pay

We get so confused in the 21st century about how to settle the bill when dating, but whoever complains about receiving a free meal? Take the bill straight from the waiter and whip out the credit card. It shows you are generous, a good potential provider and you earn your own money – what’s unattractive about that? Of course, if she insists then this shouldn’t be the cause for an argument. Maybe suggest that she buys the after-meal drinks as a compromise. If she wants the date to continue after dinner then chances are she’s had a good time.

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Category: Dating
Keywords: dating,dinner dating,restaurant dating,dating advice,dating tips

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