Financial Crisis Promote New Energy Industry

Energy is the driving force of economic development. Looking at the world economic development, from the British invention of the steam engine and application to large-scale substitution of oil for coal, then are related to economic development as the climax. The new low-carbon energy industry and economic development, will involve a number of industry sectors, will greatly change people’s traditional production and way of life, once a major breakthrough in technology, new energy industry could create a new round of economic prosperity. After the international financial crisis, in order as quickly as possible out of the economic recession, the United States, Japan, EU and other developed countries and economies in a series of policies to accelerate the development of new energy industries and other emerging industries. Economic globalization has become increasingly close economic ties with countries in the world, developed the direction of energy development and related policy adjustments will inevitably produce a series of chain reactions, our country needs in this changing situation in the profit and avoid loss of energy, seize opportunities, speed up development .

The financial crisis pushed the U.S. to speed up the development of new energy industry

The last half century, new energy technologies and electronics, information and other new technology also began to grow, and get rapid development. However, new energy, compared with the traditional application of high cost of fossil energy, so that new energy technology in the last century has not been widely used, driving U.S. economic growth is mainly electronic, information, biology, new materials technology and a series of Xinxing . The international financial crisis, must find a new industry as a leader in driving the economic development entity. However, the United States is no longer the traditional labor-intensive economy, competitive advantage, most of the real economy has passed through outsourcing in Dao developing country it is impossible to have been transferred out of the real economy Zhongxin back. Revive the real economy is bound to support the high ground that the production technology industry by the American master, therefore, the development of new energy industries have become the first choice for the United States and other developed countries. The development of new energy industry can achieve the revitalization of the U.S. economy, energy independence, increase employment, to keep the world economy “leader” status.

The rise of the new energy industry will give rise to power, IT, construction, automotive, new materials industry, telecommunications industry and other major changes in the industry and depth of fission, and birth a new industry. New Energy and Industrial Development on the other industries represented in many ways a direct pull, one upstream industries such as new energy driven fan manufacturing, photovoltaic modules, silicon processing and a series of processing and manufacturing and resource processing industry; the second is to promote smart grid, electric vehicles and a series of transportation and use of energy product development and development; third is to promote energy efficient building and construction with the development of photovoltaic power generation.

This is not only to fill vacancies in the U.S. real economy, the United States by the consumer society into the production, consumption, both in the community, but also increase domestic employment and reduce emissions.

Although some new energy technology is relatively mature, but for now, new energy, compared with traditional fossil fuels, the cost is still too high, the development of new energy industries need to vigorously support the Government. February 15, 2009, signed by U.S. President Barack Obama amounted to 787 billion U.S. dollars of the “U.S. Recovery and Reinvestment Act,” which focused on the development of new energy industries, including the development of highly efficient battery, smart power grids, carbon capture and storage , renewable energy.

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