Pay Per Click VS Article Submission: The Better Marketing Strategy

The dawn of internet marketing has been lingering for quite a while now. A lot of business, job opportunities, and marketing strategies could be experienced in the World Wide Web, giving everyone the benefit of convenience and easy access. Two of the well accepted marketing strategy being appreciated by everyone is the Pay Per Click Advertising, where you get to advertise your business, subjected to pay for every time it will be clicked by a surfer; and Article Submission, which involves the conventional creation of articles and publishing them for everyone to notice. But in trying to analyze the effects of Pay Per Click VS Article Submission, which one is a better way to success?

For a beginner, Article marketing is a good strategy. The articles you make, for one, can be done without capital. Since you are in the beginning process, it will not be much of a burden if no one manages to click on your article and have an interest on reading it. Creating articles and publishing them does not necessarily require any payment. Apart from that, this type of marketing could be considered as a long-term marketing strategy, with you publishing your articles for public reading for as long as you like. There is also no need to constantly check your articles to see the fruits of your labor after publishing them. The readers will naturally flow to your website to check out your business as they read the articles.

In Pay Per Click advertising, on the other hand, there is a need to constantly check your advertisements to make sure that they are being entered into by readers. In this marketing strategy, you will have to pay for your advertisement based on how many times it was clicked. Frankly speaking, this advertising strategy is advised for those who are already established in the field of online business. That means if there are one hundred readers who clicked on your advertisement, you are to pay for the one hundred clicks worth of advertisement. It is very inconvenient especially in the case of beginners, seeing as there might be a big chance that not everyone would get to visit your site. What’s more, in Pay Per Click, there are usually quotas that must be reached, i.e. a designated number of clicks in a day. If they cannot be reached, you might end up paying more than what is necessary.

Advertising and business are two things that are very risky. You should always be prepared to take on the challenge of facing the possibility of failure every time you attempt something. It is like a battle where victory is never assured. But in selecting the perfect strategy in order to ensure success on your part, you must take extreme caution and assurance that you will be able to do it well, and nothing will be compromised as you take on the challenge of the world of business and advertisement. Choose carefully between Pay Per Click and Article Submission – or use them both – and reap the benefits of your hard work and determination.

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Category: Marketing
Keywords: Article Submission

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