CCS Will be the Largest Share of Reductions Single Technology

The Climate Group recently released a report on China’s CCS technology (carbon capture and storage technology) development prospect.

Report under the International Energy Agency (IEA) statistical estimates, CCS emission reduction contribution of emission reductions from the 2020 total of 3% to 10% in 2030 and in 2050 will reach 19%, a reduction the largest single share of technology. Report, IEA in the comprehensive analysis of the various mitigation technologies in the long-term mitigation costs that, CCS technology, use of lower total abatement cost – Not adopted CCS technology, if in the circumstances to achieve the temperature Kongzhimubiao, Name Dao 2050 The total reduction in use of CCS technology than the cost of a 70% increase.

Report that, CCS may be occupied by low-carbon technologies in China and Chinese enterprises to enter the high international market opportunities. Although the Chinese Government has not yet developed a clear strategy for CCS development, but so far, the Chinese in terms of R & D projects or demonstration on, have some achievements. If China can advance CCS technology Heights occupied, then in the last 30 years with accumulated equipment manufacturing capacity, China has the market in the next CCS occupy a place of great potential, Chinese enterprises can take into the international market.

Reported that the CCS in the power industry will become China’s main applications. China has thousands of coal conversion plant, and the combination of the field of coal conversion, probably in China, a major feature of the development of CCS. However, CCS is still affected by the rapid development of technology, capital, security management, and industry chain development, cooperation and other aspects of international and domestic factors, in order to achieve these wonderful visions, need to work in the following areas:

First, to achieve a legal basis to promote an international climate agreement.

The second is to improve the level of CCS technology and security. Government needs to introduce a clear policy to support the development of the CCS technology.

Three demonstration projects to accelerate the process of screening the best combination of technologies.

Fourth, establish a clear investment and financing mechanisms to enhance public investment to attract private capital into the development. CCS in the world there are huge funding gap, and the lack of clear investment and financing mechanisms. Direct investment in the government and large enterprises, government subsidies, tax cuts, public funds and public-private partnerships and other mechanisms have been applied, but so far the international community undertook to provide application, the quantum of funding for CCS is about 40 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for only IEA Forecast Year 2010 -2020 31% of the investment required.

From the current CCS technology development and market conditions, the demonstration phase of the public welfare than profit, the early demonstration stage of financing can not rely on market mechanisms, requires direct government investment. In the large-scale promotion stage, can use low-carbon energy supply quotas to mandatory promotion of a standard form, carbon pricing into the global carbon market, CDM mechanism, the auction of carbon credits and increased tax transactions, price changes for free credits, new tax and mechanism of financing of non-tax special charges. After the commercialization of the CCS, private capital will play a leading role. On a single technology, private capital may be in early access, advanced technology and equipment manufacturing markets to seize. However, the level of activity depends on private capital climate policy uncertainty, and a clear return on investment potential.

Fifth, to develop prevention-oriented, rights and responsibilities to distinguish between the CCS safety laws and regulations.

Sixth, the establishment of effective mechanisms for international cooperation.

7 is to establish a clear industrial development policies.

8 is to promote cross-sectoral cooperation of stakeholders. CCS cross-coal, electricity, oil and gas, transportation, chemical and other industries, many companies involved, and involve a number of large state-owned enterprises within the industry. CCS understanding of these enterprises are different strategies differ, both common interests, but also a conflict of interest. How to coordinate the interests of large state-owned enterprises, to develop cross-sectoral coordination mechanisms, while avoiding the government over the enterprise and the market intervention of the Government in the policy making complex issues to consider.

Report that, CCS technology is still in early stages of development, CCS whether as expected, become an important climate change mitigation technology transition, and is a large-scale applications, will depend on many factors. In the international climate policy, the participation of domestic stakeholders and co-operation, intellectual property transfer, technology, security, financing’s correct address, and demonstration projects, the State’s macro-policies of these cancers Du Jiang Jueding CCS in China Zuizhong direction.

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