Outsourcing – The Solution to Getting Your Business Back on Track

Let me ask you a really important question, are you making all the money you promised yourself when you started your Online Business?

Are you enjoying all the Free Time you promised you would spend with your friends and family?

Or are you more likely working 12 to 14 hours a day,7 days a week, yet still only making $100 to $200 Dollars a week

Let’s be brutally honest, the only thing that’s growing rapidly is the size of your Credit Card Bills, am I right?

You were promised a leisurely life by the Gurus, get up when you want, work when you want to and buy all the cars and houses you want when your not on one of your 6 to 8 Vacations a year of course!

Yet everyday your e mail inbox gets stuffed with stories of Guys and Girls making more money in a week than you’ve made in the last 5 years, it just doesn’t seem fair does it?

And there you are in your spare bedroom office thinking maybe it’s me, maybe I can’t do it, maybe it was just a dream that’s ended in tatters

I think it’s time to let you into some of the real reasons why the Gurus are so successful while you just get ever deeper into debt

First there’s the learning curve, the help Video’s told you the task would take 5 minutes, so why are you still up at 3.00am 6 hours later

I’ll let you into a secret, we have all done it, looking for the answers but only getting at best 25% of the story that you need to finish the job

But I think it’s time to take you on one side and have a quiet chat, you see when you learnt to drive you didn’t also learn how to build your car or how to service it, replace the Tyres or how to repair the roads that you drive on or to maintain the traffic signals

No, in effect you outsourced all of that to a range of experts, all equally skilled in their own fields you didn’t need to know exactly how everything worked either, you just had to keep a watchful eye on things

And yet when people come to run an internet business they try and do everything themselves, well guess what it adds years to your projects, costs you a fortune as you get bogged down becoming a professional prospect instead of of a top line Project Manager

If you really feel the Gurus do all of these things themselves I think you need to go to the bottom of the garden tonight and have a long chat with the Tooth Fairy!

You see whilst you are endlessly bogged down polishing your project 3 years later they have moved seamlessly onto yet another successful launch

Lets by honest, if you were going to take your business from $100 to $200 Dollars a week to $5000 Dollars a week, you couldn’t suddenly start working 2100 hours a week could you?

Sir Stuart Rose doesn’t work on the shop floor at Marks & Spencer’s, nor does Sir Terry Leahy work in your local Tesco’s, do they spend time on the shop floor with their staff and talking to their customers, of course they do

But for everything else they build a high quality team, from the people who stack the shelves right up to the boardroom, can you imagine them sweeping the floors, clearing the trolleys in the Car Park, stocking the shelves, hell no

Do they know how it’s done, yes of course they take a very keen interest in the whole process, this leaves them clear to have a vision of where their businesses should be going next and that’s what I have to get you to do next

So I think we are starting to see that we have two key issues going on here, one is the Technician in all of us stopping us from achieving our real goals and our true potential and in the report I go through some solutions to that, I must warn you that unless you take these steps nothing will change for you

Secondly I discuss how to successfully outsource your business, you must in effect become the Project Manager of your business, all the time you work in your business you are not the Owner you are in effect an employee

Discover why countless Thousands of businesses are Outsourcing right now, get back your free time starting today, feel free to give my Report to your friends and business associates

Author Bio: Tony Clingan is an Online Marketer who has seen the very real benefits of Outsourcing his business and wants to help others to do the same http://www.theoutsourcemyth.com let me know what you think, click through to my blog at the end of the report

Category: Business Management
Keywords: When you think about outsourcing,Outsourcing,Outsourcing Services,Which Country is Good For an Outso

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