How Do You Get Over an Emotional Affair? 5 FAQs

You or your spouse may be involved in an emotional affair. As the term implies, this is basically an affair of the heart that does not involve any explicit sexual contact.

While the terms sounds innocuous and tame enough, in actuality this type of affair can be even more devastating to a relationship than would be a sexual fling. After all, with a purely sexual affair, the relationship is mainly physical in nature. But, when an infidelity of the emotional variety comes along, the ties between the cheating pair can run much deeper.

The effects of such an affair on a marriage can be truly devastating. For a husband or wife to imagine their spouse harboring loving, caring, or passionate feelings for another person can be a gut-wrenching feeling. And, it is very confusing to know what the married couple should do next.

In your case, the affair may have been going on for just a month or two, or it may have been going on for years. Regardless of how long it has been going on, the question you may be asking yourself right now is, “How do you get over an emotional affair?” Here are the answers to 5 frequently-asked questions (FAQs) for people in your situation:

1. Should my spouse and I talk about the details of the emotional affair?

A: This is a tricky one. Usually, the injured person wants nothing more than to know every last detail about the infidelity. At the same time, the cheating member of the couple wants to hold back everything. In reality, telling one’s spouse the graphic details of the affair will not bring you toward healing. However, a certain degree of honesty and openness is required to make things right again.

2. Could the affair continue if left to its own devices?

A: If both members of the couple are aware of the affair but neither wants to deal with it directly, yes, the affair could continue. In life and in love, things left to their own devices will take on a life of their own. It is important, therefore, to immediately do what it takes to face this threat to the marriage head-on with every resource at your disposal.

3. Will we ever be able to restore our relationship back to the way it was?

A: Right now, both of you probably feel like you could never bring things back to those more innocent days before the affair. But, as hard as it may be to imagine, there is plenty of hope that you can have your old relationship back. In fact, if you do things right, you could actually end up being closer as a couple than you are now.

4. How can we get over the feeling of betrayal from the relationship?

A: Betrayal is one of the ugliest and most painful emotions one could feel. It is a very negative, but very real, emotion. The betrayal feeling will only end when the two of you can learn to see the loving truth that is within each of you. Somehow, you lost the thread and you need to regain it again.

5. Could we ever get to the point where we can be sexually intimate again?

A: As the two of you get on the right path toward healing to where you can grow together in your lives as a trusting couple, the sexual intimacy will follow naturally. That may be a little ways off, but with the right work, you can definitely get there again.

Take the answers to these 5 FAQs into account as you get over the emotional affair together and find the love for each other again.

Author Bio: Find tools and techniques needed to overcome an emotional affair that were designed by an expert who has helped over 10,000 couples do the same at: Find the Love Again.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: how do you get over an emotional affair, emotional infidelity, affair, husband cheated

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