3 Things Most SEO Companies Don’t Want You to Know!

How Hard Internet Marketing Really Is:

Many SEO companies make out that internet marketing is difficult, hard to understand, too complex for the normal person and will take many years to master.

The truth of the matter is, is that there are now millions, probably 10’s of millions of pages online that have been published by normal people like you, that are getting good search engine results and generating visitors, with out ever being touched by a search engine optimisation company.

In a nut shell, internet marketing can be done by any one, you simply need to know where to start, which methods are worth using and what should be avoided. Then all you need to do is take some time to learn the marketing method and apply it to your businesses website.

However the internet is constantly changing which makes staying abreast of changes a full time job hence why many business owners turn to an internet marketing service provider or SEO company.

Worthwhile Search Engine Results Can Sometimes Take Months To Achieve:

Although results can be achieved quickly using tricks to fool the search engines known as black hat techniques, worthwhile search engine positions take a while to surface.

However most agencies won’t tell you this because it’s not what businesses want to hear. To the business owner it sounds as if the agency cannot achieve what they are promising.

So let me explain, black hat methods can produce fast results that will boost your website to the top of the search engine results, unfortunately they will only stay there long enough for the agency to collect their fee then will rapidly disappear.

White hat methods are strategies applied to your website that follow the rules of the search engines. Once results are achieved using white hat methods search engine results will be far more stable and your site is less likely to be dropped by Google when the next algorithm update occurs.

SEO Can Be A Constant Battle Between You And The Search Engines!

Google and the other major search engines are constantly changing the way that they rank websites. This is because they want to deliver the perfect search result to the user.

Although this is great for the person searching, it causes big concerns for most website owners and SEO companies. A small change to the search engine algorithms could cause your website to drop 3 pages of results, especially if black hat techniques have been used.

Many internet marketing companies won’t tell you this as it highlights the fact that they are chasing the algorithm. Basically this means every time Google changes the way it evaluates a web page, the algorithm chasers start to tweak websites they control to try and manipulate the search results.

This is a big NO NO as anyone trying to manipulate the search engine results will end up pulling the site down as quickly as the next algorithm change in some cases.

However being in control of a large number of sites at once does mean that some SEO companies can test different strategies to see what generates results with the new algorithm quickly and deploy them to other websites, however those companies are always battling for them selves and their clients for the next search result which is pretty risky in my opinion.

A far better way for small business owners to achieve search engine placement is to use a mix of internet marketing strategies that benefit the website directly and enhance search engine results when combined.

You just need to be aware that good results can take a while to achieve and whilst your site is not ranking well you may not see a return on your investment.

However with search engines being responsible for delivering more leads to websites than all other types of traditional media combined the short wait is well worth it.

Author Bio: For more information that most SEO Companies don’t want you to know visit http://www.myinternetmarketingservice.com – Written by local search engine optimization expert Benjamin Perry owner of Benjamin Perrys Internet Marketing Service.

Category: Business
Keywords: search engine optimization, seo, internet marketing, small business marketing,

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