Tax Cuts Hard to Save the American Middle Class

Obama would extend the “middle class tax cut, support the middle class” as its next round of economic stimulus plans. In fact, the rescue is to save the middle class Obama himself.

Since the last century, the rapid rise of the middle class became the backbone of the U.S. economy, but this trend has reversed in recent years. After the war, with the completion of industrialization and changes in post-industrial society, the evolution of American social structure is mainly reflected in the sharp drop in the number of blue-collar workers, while white-collar workers expanded. However, since the 70s of last century, the American middle class is facing two challenges.

First, income growth slowed down in the late 90 levels of real income stagnation and even decline. Pew Research Center, according to the U.S. Census Bureau data done by the latest study found that, by January 2009 the dollar value, since 1999 the median U.S. household income of the peak reached 5.1823 million, the U.S. median household income no longer does not exceed this number. The median family income of the typical American middle-class target, indicating that the United States over the past 10 years, the middle class to become a victim of the economic downturn. In addition, the worse the reduction of income mobility, which means lower classes of society income people to improve opportunities for reduction.

Second, significant differentiation within the middle class, according to New York State University study, since 1979, the United States increased the degree of inequality of income distribution, 1% holds 80% of the population in new revenue. Overall, the U.S. income gap continued to widen, the Gini coefficient of the last century the late 60’s to break 0.39,70 0.40,80 to 0.43,90’s start rising sharply increased further to 0.46,2007 years to 0.47 years once. Grouped according to five equal parts if the proportion of household income statistics, since 1990, apart from the top 20% of household income increased substantially from 1990 total revenue increased 44.3% to 49.7% in 2000, increased 5.4 percentage points, the other four groups have different levels of family income decline.

Increasing economic pressures make it increasingly more middle-class families rely on debt to maintain the standard of living beyond their means, while Wall Street since the 80’s ever-changing financial products also stimulate the U.S. middle class Xuanze a high debt, high-consumption lifestyles . From 1983 to 2004, the American middle class debt / income ratio rose to 1.19 from 0.45. It can be said in the past two or three decades of U.S. economic boom, largely built on the middle class supported by the credit based on excessive consumption.

But the economic crisis brought more heavy blow to the middle class, total number of unemployed more than 800 million people, up to 200 million U.S. households could not afford the mortgage and losing their homes. Apart from the difficulties facing middle-class economic recession factors, federal and local governments with insufficient financial resources, public services, reduce the input. But this is far from being that simple.

Imbalance in the distribution of wealth in the United States long-term one-sided pursuit of a more prosperous economy and U.S. competitiveness in the world by the tremendous increase in the price. Liberal Washington think tank – Center for American Progress economist, said: “Over the past 30 years, U.S. economic growth only” enrich “those who stood on top of the income ladder. At present the United States The wealth gap is not the few “fat cat” to the United States raised the income level, but the remaining majority of Americans can almost see their income increase opportunity, and even had to watch as Gong Zi descend from year to year due to inflation. ” Rutgers University Professor of Economics and Public Policy William Rogers also said: the disparity of wealth will continue to worsen the consequences of the United States is twofold: First, the U.S. economy’s long-term unhealthy; In addition, the overall prosperity index of the United States will decline , education, health and other social welfare will be affected. Can be said that the distribution of wealth in American society mechanisms for making the “fat cats fatter.” The early 21st century, U.S. economic recession will be a disparity, the higher the barriers to more construction.

In fact, the U.S. distribution of social wealth without touching the mechanism, does not change the elite monopoly of capital and plundering the nature of the national economy, the U.S. middle class will not have people looking forward to the future. For Obama, the need is even more radical “to save the middle class” action.

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