Baidu World Mobile Internet Forum

Incoming tide 3G, mobile internet is becoming one of the hottest areas. September 2, from the global mobile Internet industry leaders, practitioners together and opt to attend the theme of “Mobile Innovation cooperation and win-win” for Baidu World Conference Mobile Internet Forum, this grand picture of the future better. The convening of this event for the mobile Internet, it pointed out the new direction, its promotion of innovation, openness, and win-win value of mobile Internet has been the participants unanimously agree that, while the host Baidu increase mobile Internet business development strategy layout of a a surface.

The latest report from CNNIC data show that, as at the end of June 2010, mobile phone users reached 277 million Internet users, Internet users in the overall proportion rose to 65.9%. The DCCI predicted that by 2013, that figure will climb to 700 million, and exceeded the number of PC users. The mobile terminal users search, music, reading, social applications such as penetration is growing rapidly, and mature. Analysys International predicts mobile Internet revenue in 2010 will reach 63.3 billion yuan. Industry generally believe that mobile Internet has entered the blowout phase of its development.

Coincides with the time, Baidu World Conference held mobile Internet forum, as in “extreme” in the mobile industry into a more rational. From Samsung, Tianyu, MediaTek and other industry leaders and participants, together with Baidu to share high-level discussion of the mobile Internet of the Road, it was agreed that the mobile Internet and PC Internet technology development, products, resources, integration, and many there quite different, involving the relationship between upstream and downstream industry chain is also more complex, so the user needs based on innovation, open mind, and win-win cooperation of upstream and downstream industry chain for mobile Internet of the essence.

Also helping the industry’s attention is that Baidu Technology Innovation Conference last year-round open mobile Internet strategies, this event once again revealed Baidu in mobile Internet, the latest strategy, the theme is still around “innovation” and “win-win” two context, but particularly focus on the cooperation of the terminal. In this forum, Baidu also announced the “Baidu mobile terminals Union”, the alliance mainly by mobile device manufacturers, chipset and platform Shang such joint participation, to build a mobile industrial chain based on the interests of the Community.

Baidu has just set up mobile Internet division in their first appearance is also greatly enhanced the industry moving into the area of Baidu hopes. It is understood that Baidu Mobile Internet Business Unit by the Ministry of mobile search, mobile client department, moving the amalgamation of three departments of Commerce, which is the full expansion of Baidu, 2008, mobile, telecommunications point concurrent acquisition of Shanghai power mobile client has Baidu integration of their mobile field resources in the new crystal.

As the world’s first Chinese search engine, in the past few years, Baidu has its PC Internet search technology and market leadership extends to the mobile Internet field. First half of 2010, mobile search daily search volume has exceeded 400 million times, has reached 1.58 billion daily average number of times PV. Baidu’s market share which has increased rapidly to 34.44%, six months increased by 8 percent. In addition, through its strategic-level products will pocket Baidu Baidu search, community products seamless migration to the mobile terminal, also relies on its data mining and Chinese word superiority Baidu launched mobile phone input method. In addition, Baidu mobile Internet has always advocated “open and cooperative” concept, has met with China Unicom, China Telecom entered into a strategic partnership with Symbian, MediaTek platform vendors such as joint promotion “box computing” services, with Nokia, Samsung Lenovo and other handset makers were implanted push Baidu search services, built a huge win-win system for mobile Internet.

“In the future, mobile Internet, the core of the same division of work is locked open. In particular, in product areas, we will continue the search field in wireless edge, to search for products as the core, Tuozhan box calculation in the field of mobile Internet applications to extend ; on the other hand, Baidu will try and explore more diverse prior to the charging mode; Not only that, in order to search for alliances as the core, with partners to grow and achieve win-win Baidu mobile Internet strategy is always the direction of perseverance. “Baidu Mobile Internet Business Unit, said the new general manager of Yue Guofeng.

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