Architecture in Cape Town – the Legislative Capital of South Africa

Cape Town is the Legislative Capital of South Africa and is also the second-most populated city in the country. It has a cosmopolitan culture with a strong influence of the Dutch, French and the British who ruled here and some impact of Malaysia can also be felt. This happened due to the arrival of the Malaysian labor which was exported to work on the farmlands here.
The history of the city goes back to nearly 400 years when the first European set foot on this land. Apart from the culture, the architecture of the city is also impacted by these different styles. The city has a unique style of architecture which is called the Cape Dutch style. It is a method of building a house which was adopted by the Dutch farmers when they settled in the area in the 1700s.

This style of architecture involves a unique style of gabling paired with traditional thatch roofing which is distinctly a quintessential South African design and is found here only.

These and many more such historical gems dot the city and add to the charm and vibrancy of the place. They are rich specimens of history and the culture which is reflected in their architecture and the style. Most of the city’s historical buildings are located in and around the city center and are easily accessible. Many of these buildings have been awarded the heritage status.

Some of the most significant historical buildings in Cape Town are:
Castle of Good Hope is one of the historical buildings in the city which was constructed in 17th century and is a blend of the medieval and contemporary architectural style. It has been awarded the status of a National Monument and it is shaped as a pentagon. The building has 5 bastions bearing the names of the various rulers and these bastions were used as prisons and storerooms.

This fortress was built by the Dutch East India Company and is the oldest building in South Africa. At present it is the Western Cape Headquarters of the South African Military.

City Hall is a new classic building styled in the Renaissance style and is situated near the city center. There are 39 bells in the building which produce tuneful music during the festivals and celebrations. The building extends to a height of 61 meters. The Cape Town municipal Library is also housed in this very building.

Rhodes Memorial is a national monument and is dedicated to the memory of Cecil John Rhodes, the former Prime Minister if South Africa. It is located on the eastern part of the Devil’s Peak and is built in a neo-classical style, giving a beautiful view of the mountains.

Bo-Kaap is one of the most vibrant areas in the city. It is situated on the slopes of the Signal Hill above the Riebeck Square. It is an ensemble of quaint and interesting buildings, dating back to the end of 18th century. These houses were built by recently-arrived immigrant artisans from Holland.

After these artisans moved towards the newer southern suburbs in the middle of the 19th century, these houses were taken over by the Malay slaves who gave it their unique identity. They changed the character of Bo-Kaap but kept the architect intact in its original state. Some of these houses have been restored and renovated to preserve it as a tourist attraction.

Apart from these there are still more buildings which are historical in nature and which include the Bertram House, Mandela House, Slave Lodge as well as District 6 Museum.

Author Bio: For more information on Hotel Deals Africa and Cape Town please visit our website.

Category: Travel
Keywords: cape town, south Africa legislative capital, major attractions in cape town, cape town historical bu

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