Four Ways to Use Private Label Rights Ebooks to Promote Your Business Electronically

The advent of the ebook offered a new way for websites and online businesses to convey large volumes of information to targeted groups of customers. Today they are used for a variety of marketing purposes besides information sharing. Using private label rights ebooks in a marketing campaign allows business owners the advantages of distributing ebooks while keeping costs at a minimum.

“Private label rights” (or PLR) refers to printed (or electronic) text/material that a user must pay for the rights to use. Essentially, it’s a license to use a particular document. Once a user pays, he is able to customize that material to fit his specific needs. He is legally able to add, edit, cut out and customize information (such as inserting the name of his website or product) within that document.

PLR ebooks and articles typically contain generalized information on a particular subject. For example, a PLR ebook on cosmetic surgery might contain general information about various cosmetic surgical procedures. It may describe some of those procedures and note the benefits of having a specific procedure done.

A cosmetic surgeon, for example, could purchase this PLR ebook for use in marketing his practice. Once he pays for the rights, he could insert his own name in place of “the surgeon” or the name of his own practice for “the clinic”. He could then distribute the PLR ebook to potential customers as a means of generating business.

Private label rights ebooks are simply an extension of the PLR article. Articles, by definition, are typically short, often between 300 and 600 words. When a user needs to supply more information than can be contained in just an article, ebooks can fill that need.

However, hiring a writer to create original, exclusive text can be costly, perhaps even in the hundreds of dollars for one ebook. By contrast, a PLR ebook may cost just a few dollars.

PLR ebooks are best used for distributing information to the serious customer or website visitor; that is, the highly motivated web-surfer who is poised to make a purchase. In fact, they can be the defining factor in getting a motivated visitor to click on that “Purchase now” icon.

The four most effective ways to incorporate the use of PLR ebooks into your Internet marketing campaign include:

1) As a means for keeping your web pages search-engine friendly: Offering your visitors an ebook allows you to provide them with expanded, more detailed information. This way, you don’t have to include this information on the pages of your website, which can sometimes be counter-productive and even hurt your search engine rankings.

2) To entice web visitors to opt-in to email updates: You want website visitors to opt-in to your email list. Many web-surfers are reluctant to do this, even if they are very interested in the products or services you provide.

However, many visitors are willing to supply this information in exchange for an ebook that contains the kind of detailed information they are looking for, but is not necessarily made available to every visitor. Visitors like to feel like they are joining an exclusive club and receiving a gift when they opt in to an email list.

3) To reach a targeted audience: It’s one thing for a web-surfer to search for information on a topic, say, laser surgery. It’s another thing entirely when a surfer has already decided that she wants laser surgery and is now looking for the right provider. Providing a PLR ebook to that customer may be just the thing that convinces her that you are the clinician to do the job.

4) Fill an autoresponder: It can be challenging to find enough information to fill an autoresponder regularly. Purchasing a PLR ebook can provide you with enough information to fill an autoresponder for several weeks or more.

Private label rights ebooks are well worth the small investment that you make. They can be used multiple times, giving you even more bang for your buck. Their advantages are numerous and give you the edge over the competition that you are looking for.

Author Bio: Over 2,000 PLR Ebooks and Private Label Ebooks for only $2.00 each at Access Hundreds of Turnkey Niche Websites at the best prices on the web.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: private label rights ebooks, plr ebook(s),promote with plr ebooks,using plr ebooks to promote

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