Ontario Health Insurance Plan Coverage and the Pros to the System

Residence in Canada are able to take advantage of many free health care options. Ontario Health Insurance Plan coverage is available to anyone who is a resident of the country. Right from birth, someone is covered and does not need to pay most of their medical expenses. The kind of care that is included, covers things like doctor visits and hospital care.

Visiting a family doctor or walk in doctor, does not need to cost any money. That is because OHIP pays for it. The doctor simply swipes a special health card when the patient arrives, and that bills the service directly to the government. The patient can then spend as much time as they need to, visiting the doctor and inquiring about health issues.

Prescription drugs are not covered by this insurance coverage. The patient will either have to get coverage from a private source, or pay for the medicines out of their pocket. Often medicine can be very expensive, when there is not a plan to assist the patient.

When a hospital visit is required, there is also no additional fee. The health card is swiped upon receiving service, and the patient then sees the doctor and nurses as needed. This type of care is included in emergency visits as well as normal routine care.

A person who needs to stay overnight in a hospital will be issued a ward type room, unless they are full. The only way that a person can get an upgraded room, is if they have coverage on there own, or wish to pay for it themselves. If however, the ward rooms are full, the person may be upgraded to a more private room. This covers a huge expense for people. Most rooms are a few hundred dollars a night and more which can make them very expensive to have to pay on their own. When the fee is covered by Ontario’s insurance coverage, it offers a huge help for people who have to stay in the hospital and their families.

If an ambulance is called out to someones home or work place, there is a fee charged to the patient. The fee is fairly small, but is not covered by OHIP. The bill is sent out to people’s homes, where they have to submit a check or credit card payment.

One of the great benefits to having coverage paid for by the government, is that it relieves a huge financial stress on people. When someone gets sick or needs a doctor’s care, they don’t hesitate about seeing a doctor or going to the emergency room.

Ontario Health Insurance Plan coverage is a service that provides medical care to anyone in Canada who is a resident and who needs it. They also cover eye care for people up to the age of adulthood. That gives parents no excuse when it comes to taking their kids for regular eye check ups. Eye glasses are not covered by the coverage plan. If glasses are needed, they either have to be paid by an outside plan, or paid for by the person needing them. Free health care is a service that most people appreciate and do not take advantage of.

Author Bio: Dan Pucher Insurance is an independent Broker offering personal and corporate solutions. When looking for visitors to Canada medical insurance and Travel insurance Ontario .

Category: Finances
Keywords: health insurance, business, health, family, travel insurance, leisure, government, society, advice

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