Alabama Land For Sale-Your Website and Search Engine Optimization

When it comes to Alabama land for sale and your website there are a few things you can do that will really help with your rankings on Google, Bing and Yahoo. Have you put much thought or reading into the best ways to describe your properties.

The acronym SEO is becoming better known by the day, the only problem with this is that one day could cost you money with lost land and home sales. What is SEO, Search Engine Optimization, and what exactly is that, well that is in simple terms it is making your website more searchable with Google and the other search engines. I will go over a few simple things anyone can do with their site and listing and a few things you will most likely need a webmaster to do.

What are some of the simple things you can do to help your rankings with Google, one very simple thing is just make your descriptions better by adding more relevant terms and keywords. When putting your listings on your website as well as other listing directories make sure to add all the pertinent information like city, county, zip code, street name, acreage amount, what type of property. You would be amazed how many people don’t even put this information on their site but this is just the beginning. Some other good information to have in the description would be creek frontage, pond, fencing, near any national forest or State park, good timber values, more than usual road frontage, good school district and anything else that someone might search for.

When you design your site it is important to make sure it is search engine friendly and by this I mean can the search engines spider your site easily, do you have a site map and do you feed that out to site map websites like Wiki, is the layout of your listings such that Google can read it easily. Google reads much the same way you do top to bottom and left to right so start your listing with a good strong title but remember not to long Google only indexes the first eighty key stokes so everything past that will do no good for the search engine. If you have a good piece of Alabama land for sale a strong title might read like this; Alabama land for sale, Dothan, Houston County AL 320 Acres Hunting Land for Sale, notice everything a potential client might start a search for is in the title this is about all you can get in front of Google with your title.

Now its time for a good description of your land, you will want to repeat your title in the body of your description don’t worry that it might look repetitive on many sites the title is not sitting right on top of the description so it will look just fine and it gives you another chance to get all your key words in your listing details. In May Google had another algorithm update and now long tail keywords are much better than in the past which is good for Realtors because it gives more opportunity for a better description.

This is a very short list of the search engine to do list, there are literally dozens of things you can do to make your site better for your visitor and more searchable for Google, Bing/Yahoo and the other eighty or so bigger engines visit my Blog for more detail on how to increase your rankings.

Author Bio: In 2000 Chuck and his wife Lindey developed a website called The website was launched for uniting the real estate market in Land For Sale In Mississippi. In 2009 more sites were launched as sister sites for other states like Land For Sale In Louisiana and Land For Sale In Alabama.

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: Alabama, land, sale. first, south, farm, credit, financing, hunting, farmland, waterfronatge, deer,

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