Cost Effective Approach to Restore Men’s Fertility – Vasectomy Reversal

Many factors affect the decision of couples to have a child such as untimely or unexpected death of a child, divorce and partner change, financial status, or the desire to have a family complete with a new baby. Unlike in the past, the modern technology gives couples more options to have a baby such as reversal vasectomy. Most men who do not understand the process tends to worry about the risks and the success rate of the reversal procedure. Below is a clear explanation of what it takes to have a reversal vasectomy.

Examination of Sperm

The doctor will ask for a fluid or semen sample to evaluate the amount of sperm presence, quality, and mobility. The fluid sample will be taken from the scrotum. After the doctor determines that the sperm still has the potential to regain its mobility and quality, you will be given a medical approval or advice to go ahead with the reversal procedure. If there are doubts about the health of your sperm, the doctor will provide information for other fertility options that you may consider as an effective alternative to reversal vasectomy.

Reversal Vasectomy Procedure

The goal of the reversal vasectomy procedure is to recreate the passage of your sperm by joining the ends of the vas deferens tubes. This will allow passage of the semen to flow into the prostate glands. However, this simple surgery does not represent the simplicity of your chances to acquire back your fertility. Other factors need to be considered such as the time from vasectomy operation, your age, and your sperm condition. The reversal actual surgery will only take about 3 hours as an outpatient procedure. The doctor may let you choose having a general anesthesia or the local anesthesia depending on your condition.

Reversal Vasectomy Approaches

The first approach is the vasovasostomy. This procedure is simply reconnecting the two ends of the vas deferens tubes.

The second reversal vasectomy approach is the vasoepididymostomy. This procedure is a little bit complicated where the doctor finds the presence of blockage on one of the ends of the vas deferens. The blockage will not make it possible for the sperm to pass through the tubes so another approach is used to make the passage possible. Although the procedure is quite complicated, this does not increase your chances for success. In fact, this option has the lowest chances for success. It is best that you evaluate your options with care before having the reversal procedure.

Advice After Reversal Surgery

The doctor may advice you the following within 30 days from surgery:

– No bath using the bathtub within 3 days from surgery.
– No sexual activities within 30 days from surgery.
– No rigorous physical activities within 30 days from surgery.
– Take a complete bed rest for 3 days.
– Take painkillers for 7 days.

The guidelines are easy to understand and quite self-explanatory. You should strictly follow the after surgery guidelines if you want to facilitate healing and restore the health of your sperm. Physical activities include aerobics, taebo, swimming, running, and other exercises. Sexual activities includes coming into orgasm. You need to control yourself for at least 30 days. Any discomfort that you feel within 7 days is normal. The painkillers such as Advil or Tylenol that the doctor may prescribe will ease your pain. However, if the pain and discomfort continues after 7 days, please see your doctor to make sure you are not developing any form of infection.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a SEO consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading Men’s Health issues blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility, men\’s health

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