Article Marketing Tips-Why Use Article Marketing

If you are an online marketer, getting visitors to your website should be your number one priority. Not that it should be your number one headache too. Article marketing presents you with an excellent opportunity to reach your potential customers without much hassle.

This is a form of advertising in which you write short articles that are related to your business opportunity. These articles are then made available for free distribution and publication in the online marketplace. Each article would contain a resource box (also known as bio box) which includes references and contact information about the article author and their business.

Online article marketing is a subtle technique for advertising products and services via online article directories. There are quite a number of directories out there on the worldwide web, and most of them receive a high volume of traffic and are often considered as authority sites by Google and other search engines. As a result, your submitted articles are guaranteed to receive substantial traffic, free.

Some internet marketers try to maximize the results of their marketing campaign by submitting their articles to multiple directories. Sometimes this strategy works. Sometimes it does not. The important thing to note is that most article sites frown at this practice.

Also, most search engines now have software to filter duplicate content to prevent the same article from appearing multiple times during searches. Yes, some marketers are able to circumvent this filter by creating multiple versions of the same article. But why go into that?

In my opinion, a much better approach, and one which guarantees greater traffic, is to write new, separate articles, even if on the same topic. This way you do not run the risk of violating clearly-stated editorial guidelines. This is also the surest way of getting that much-desired traffic that brings you to article marketing in the first place.

It is also good to point out that article marketing is not purely a web-induced marketing strategy. In its various forms, article marketing is as old as the mass media itself. Prior to the arrival of the internet, articles have been used by both professionals and ordinary business owners to obtain free space in the print media.

This is because the information relating to a local business could provide useful content to a newspaper, at the same time providing local businesses with free contact information in the press. The paper gets rich features, and the small business would get wide and mostly free exposure.

It is a mutually beneficial arrangement.

The arrival of the internet has only accelerated the use of this marketing approach, as well as making it easier to employ. Most other forms of Search Engine Optimization and Internet Marketing require a website, a hosting plan, as well as an advertising budget.

The total cost is often beyond the reach of most new online marketers. But article marketing has now leveled the playing field in that regard. Thus, by using article directories as free hosts, an article marketer is able to get free traffic via organic searches in search engines.

Well-written and rich content articles released for free distribution are known to substantially increase the credibility and popularity of the author and their business, as well as attracting new clients. It is one marketing strategy you do not want to overlook.

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Author Bio: Learning these MLM Marketing Secrets can help you Explode your MLM business. Sandra Essex is a TOP Producing Internet Marketer. She enjoys helping new people learn how to Build Their MLM and Online Business by using the internet. One GREAT way to Generate leads for any business is by using Article Marketing. Learn how to Get your Articles on the First Page of Google FAST!! CLICK HERE!

Category: Marketing
Keywords: article marketing,learn article marketing,david wood,mlm article marketing,article marketing tip

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