Web Marketing With PLR Articles: How to Ensure Your Content is Unique

PLR (private label rights) articles may very well be one of the best web marketing tools available. Ready-made web content is abundant and economical, cost-effective enough for even small Internet businesses to take advantage of.

Some web-based businesses and website owners are reluctant, though, to use PLR article content in marketing campaigns. The fear is that purchasing content that has already been sold to others may lead to duplicate content being published on the Web.

“Private label rights” refers to text/content that is sold to individual website/business owners for personal use. Typically this content ends up on the Internet, published either on the buyer’s website or distributed by the buyer for Web syndication.

A PLR article contains generalized information on a given topic. The purchaser is able to buy articles which are related to his/her business. Purchasing gives him/her the right to alter, edit and customize the material to fit the needs of the website or business.

An example of this would be a dog breeder who purchases an article about choosing a family dog. Once the breeder purchases the article, he or she can customize the article by inserting the name of the business or his/her particular dog breed. The owner could then distribute this article as his/her own work and as a promotion for the business.

One of the potential drawbacks of using private label rights articles is the possibility that your published Web content will be too similar to someone else’s. Search engine robots may detect published text that is too similar to something that has already been published on the Web. This sometimes leads to having your article ignored or flagged by Web robots, resulting in poor (or no) search engine rankings.

Because PLR articles are so economical, they shouldn’t be ignored as a viable means of marketing a website. Instead, potential purchasers have some tools at their disposal which can help them avoid publishing “duplicate” content. These web-based tools are known as content or plagiarism checkers.

A content/plagiarism checker is a program that can scan a particular document or block of text. The program then checks the Web for any content that is the same or very similar.

Once you’ve bought your PLR content, a good rule of thumb is to change it so that about 40% of the rewritten work is unique. In other words, a PLR article of 500 words should have about 200 words changed or altered before publishing.

A good place to start is by changing all of the general pronouns and nouns and making them specific to your business. For example, a poodle breeder should change all references to dogs or puppies to “poodle”. References to “breeder” can be changed to “poodle breeder”. Specific information about the business can also be inserted to ensure that content is unique to the buyer’s website or page.

Once your PLR article has been customized and published, run it through a content/plagiarism checker. These are available on the Web for free. You need only supply the URL of the page to be checked. A check usually takes less than a minute.

If you prefer to check your PLR article before you publish it to the Web, you’ll need to use a more specialized program. These are also available on the Web, and may require you to purchase a membership or pay a small user fee. This is money well-spent if it will prevent your site, page or text from getting flagged by a search engine.

Another way to help protect your interests is to purchase private label rights articles from sources who limit the number of times the same PLR article is sold. Look for suppliers who only sell the same article less than 100 times. The fewer copies that are made available to the public, the better your chances are of avoiding publishing duplicate content.

Author Bio: Build A Website in minutes at HighPowerSites.com. Over 2,000 PLR Ebooks for only $2.00 each at BooksWealth.com. Buy Websites at the best prices on the web at Niche Website Deals.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: PLR article(s), private label rights articles,marketing with plr articles,unique content

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