My Wife Has an Emotional Affair – What Should I Do? 3 Tips For Surviving the Affair

For most men, just the thought of their wife thinking passionate or loving thoughts for another man is enough to drive them crazy. And, why wouldn’t it? After all, when you got married together, your wedding vows were “’til death do us part,” not “’til she falls in love with someone else.”

If you believe your wife may be involved in an affair that is not (yet) physical in nature but merely emotional, she may be having what is known as an emotional affair. This is simply a situation whereby one member of a married couple starts to have deeply romantic or caring feelings for someone outside the marriage – but nothing sexual has actually occurred at this point.

Your first reaction upon learning of her affair may have been anything from anger and humiliation to jealousy and despair. The situation is serious enough that any of these emotions would be quite normal for you to have. However, it is very important at this stage to keep your emotions in check until you can figure out what do to next.

If you are saying, “My wife has an emotional affair – what should I do?”, here are 3 tips for surviving the affair as a couple:

1. You need to bring it to her attention in a gentle, but firm, way:

The hardest part of this situation is having the presence of mind to start a dialogue with your wife about the situation. You may be angry and just want to tell her what you think of her recent actions, but do not go that route. At this point, you need to just bring it up to your wife that you know about the affair. Bringing the situation gently into the light will allow you to talk about it.

If, on the other hand, she was the one to bring it up to you, then your next step is to find out what her intentions are about the emotional infidelity.

2. Let her know that she will need to end the affair if she wants to continue to be married:

Chances are, you wife still very much loves and cares about you. Otherwise, she probably would told you she was leaving you by now. What you need to keep in mind is that her love for you is not necessarily any less, just because of what she has gotten herself into with someone else. Be firm with her and tell her that she will need to end the affair or she risks losing you.

3. Focus less on getting details about the affair and more on healing your relationship:

As you start a dialogue with your wife about this serious situation, you will be very tempted to find out more about her affair. Did she love him? What did they talk about? A thousand questions may haunt your mind. But, at this point, make sure that you avoid trying to pry such embarrassing details about the affair out of her, as this will probably just push her away. Instead, your goal should be to heal your relationship – together.

Follow these 3 tips on surviving an emotional infidelity. Your next step is to find ways to heal your relationship and put this behind you. You can do it – and thousands of others have successfully done the same.

Author Bio: Find tools and techniques needed to overcome an emotional affair that were designed by an expert who has helped over 10,000 couples do the same at: Marriage Sherpa.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: My Wife Has An Emotional Affair,What Should I Do with my cheater,3 Tips for Surviving the Affair

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