How to Achieve Instant Wisdom

You can achieve wisdom in an instant. And I am not peddling snake oil by saying that.

You can be walking with Socrates, Bacon, Emerson, Churchill and other great men and women who had ever walked on this earth by reading their wise sayings.

You and I will never live long enough to learn everything that will make us wise if we insist to learn by experience. In fact we will not even live long enough to learn everything that can help us be successful.

Charles Eliot, the late President of Harvard and the man credited to transforming a small college into a modern university once told a graduation class: “We gladly accept news and general information from friends, newspapers, advertisements. But valuable information – the kind that affects our lives – we insist on learning through our own experience. What a tragic waste. Often we could in a few minutes of reading proverbs, learn what would require years through our own experience. That is like building a bridge to cross a river, when we could, in a few minutes, cross over on a bridge already built by someone else. Smart men start where others left off. From others they learn to correct and often avoid their own mistakes.

Montaigne said: Proverbs gives us quality, not quantity. An hour of reading proverbs is usually worth weeks, even months or years, of ordinary reading. Here is wisdom, not knowledge.

In today’s information age, where we have in our resources centuries of writings, we must take the full advantage of it. You don’t have to conquer the known world to learn what Alexander the Great experienced. You don’t have to fight countless wars to learn strategy like Napoleon. You can read their wise sayings.

Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of telephone said: Fire your ambition and courage by studying the priceless advice in the proverbs and wise sayings. They are the shortest road to wisdom you”’ ever find.
Wise saying contains knowledge in concise form the wisdom of greatest thinkers, greatest leaders, greatest books and greatest speeches in all history.

Elbert Hubbard said: Learning from the wise sayings of great men is like riding to success on the shoulders of giants.

Today we have in our hands, all the wisdom that we ever need. It is a sad fact of life that there still millions who are still doubtful, confused and just drifting in life when they can make themselves avails to all hundreds of thousands of condensed wisdom.

Proverbs, more than any other reading, can inspire us, teach us and motivate us to live our lives to the fullest.

Take for instance what Thomas Alva Edison, once said about genius: Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.

In just nine words Mr. Edison teaches us the talent can only go that far and it takes hard work to achieve greatness.

We can spend 15 minutes every day to read the greatest sayings through the ages, we can achieve instant wisdom and use it to achieve whatever that we desire out of life.

Author Bio: A. Majid is inspired by the greatest self help book ever written, A Touch of Greatness. He shares his passion and lessons from from the book at A Touch of Greatness

Category: Self Help
Keywords: wise,wisdom,proverbs,sayings

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