Cheap Permanent Hair Removal – Are You Getting Value For Money?

Cheap does not always necessarily mean better – especially when it comes to treatments such as permanent hair removal. Permanent hair removal involves very sensitive treatments that require a lot of training and experience from the practitioner, as well as certified effective and top-shape equipment and facilities. In order to be able to give a guaranteed safe service for the client, many important things must be taken into note. Do you really want to undergo a cheap treatment especially when it comes to procedures as sensitive and lasting as permanent hair removal? Make sure that you are getting value for your money and check out these important points.

Permanent hair removal, once screwed up (caused by faulty equipment, incompetent practitioners, etc.), can really cause some permanent results- and these are not the permanent results you are hoping for.

There have been cases of permanent hair removal treatments gone wrong and these are just some of the most common complaints:

1. Laser Burns or scars – Laser hair removal treatment functions mostly through high-intensity pulse light technology. For most cases there is a handheld device that a practitioner uses that is used on the treatment area. Once a button is pushed, a flash of light is released unto the treatment area – this flash of light functions by making contact with the pigments (color) and this reacts with the hair reaching to the shafts underneath the skin. This light makes contact with the hair follicles and obstructs their function therefore leading to a significant reduction in hair growth. This is what keeps hair from growing back too fast again. However, in cases where the practitioner is not trained enough or the equipment not good enough, the wavelength of the laser may be set to a level that is not compatible with the client. Skin type, hair type, and various other factors must be taken into careful consideration before this procedure must be done. Usually, if you do this cheap, you’d also get the treatment you deserve – cheap facilities, and cheap practitioners. Laser burns will be very difficult to remove and will leave permanent scars. There are cases where the patterns of the laser’s travel on the skin could be seen and they look very unusual and not very nice at all. They look like crop circles – in other cases they’re shaped like squares or rectangles depending on the faulty equipment used – not a very pretty sight.

2. Skin discoloration – In some cases, there is also skin discoloration, redness and stinging that won’t go away. In most cases there is of course redness and stinging but it usually just lasts from a few minutes to an hour. They are easily removable and can be taken care of or avoided altogether by high quality practitioners using high quality equipment. If you get cheap treatment though, more often than not, the same treatment will apply to you – cheap, inexperienced, incompetent, and faulty. This skin discoloration may last for a long time if not permanently. Same with laser scarring, the patterns can be seen in your skin. This skin discoloration results from reactions from faulty equipment and inexperienced practitioners lacking the ability to tell whether a certain type of permanent hair removal treatment will be right for a certain client’s condition or not.

Is this really the right results that you want in exchange for your money’s value?

When considering getting a treatment done on yourself, especially sensitive treatments such as permanent hair removal treatments, always consider very carefully the value that you are getting in exchange for your money. Quality begets quality when it comes to services such as these. These are clinical services supposedly to be done only by certified practitioners. Always make sure they are FDA-approved.

Do not put yourself at risk by being stingy when it comes to procedures like this one- this is an investment on yourself and your skin, something you’ll be wearing for the rest of your life. So make sure that you get the very same quality of service in exchange for your money’s value. Permanent hair removal is real, and it could either make your dreams come true or become your worst nightmare depending on the choices you will be making.

Author Bio: If you are looking for painless, yet cheap, permanent hair removal, Thermicon technology may be for you. Visit if you want professional, painless results from home.

Category: Medical Business
Keywords: Cheap Permanent Hair Removal,hair removal,permanent hair removal

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