How to Spot Emotional Abuse

Not all abuse involves broken bones and bruises. Not all abuse is physical in nature. Many abuse victims deal with the pain of emotional abuse, which is often very destructive and damaging. Unfortunately, because there are not black and blue bruises or horrible scars, lots of people do not take emotional abuse as seriously as they should. Even the victims themselves are likely to minimize how bad the situation really is.

Emotional abusers like to make their victims feel worthless because feelings of self-worth make it easier for the abuser to be controlling. Usually the victims of this manipulation feel like they do not have any other choice and they feel like they do not have any inherent value outside of the relationship. These feelings can make it extremely difficult for the emotionally abuse to get out of the relationship and stay away for good.

If you have ever been the victim of emotional abuse, you can probably spot it from a mile away. Each emotional abuser uses the same kinds of tactics to intimidate his or her partner-shame, blame, name-calling, yelling, and fear are the most common. Abusers might also threaten their victims. This could be anything from refusing to give them access to money or threatening the use of physical violence in order to gain complete control over the victim.

Sadly, society doesn’t let as much credence to emotional abuse as it does to physical abuse. Without the physical evidence of black and blue bruises, swollen cheeks, and broken bones, emotional abuse is thought by many to have no real consequences. That couldn’t be further from the truth, however. It can take years and years of counseling to overcome the psychological and emotional effects of abuse. The abused often suffer from depression which can lead to a number of health problems and even suicidal thoughts and actions. One of the best things a victim can do to move past this damage is to acknowledge that there is in fact a problem and look for ways to regain control over his or her life.

Empowerment is the key, and victims can find it in a number of ways. For one, just having the courage to stand up to your abuser and let them know that you are aware of your own worth can make a difference. Finding the courage to get a separation or divorce, get a new job, and start a new life is one way that victims can prove to themselves that they are not completely helpless and that they have worth. Sometimes all it takes is a friend encouraging a victim to learn martial arts and enroll in a Self Defense program.

5 Ways Abusers Manipulate Others

1. Threats to withdraw privileges, hurt or harm the victim or the victim’s children and threats to leave or report the victim to child protective services.

2. Intimidation tactics include scaring the partner or doing things to lord their power over the partner to keep them in a constant state of worry about the consequences of every little thing they do.

3. Blaming the victim for everything-even the abuser’s own behavior.

4. Dominating the victim with constant assertions of authority.

5. Isolating the victim from friends and family and routinely humiliating the victim in front of others.

Author Bio: For more information about learn martial arts, please check out Self Defense.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: learn martial arts, Self Defense

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