4 Recovery Tips For Sexual Assault Victims

When someone has suffered from the physical and emotional trauma of a sexual assault, the road to healing can be long and filled with several obstacles. There is no sure fix for everyone. Victims are unique and their experiences are unique too. Despite these differences, there are some general rules that apply to most victims. These tips are meant to help you find the resources you need to begin your recovery.

While it is statistically more common for women to be victims of a rape or sexual assault, it can happen to men too. These tips can provide a launching pad for beginning recovery for all victims, as many victims suffer from similar issues.

1. See a Medical Professional: The victims of violent sexual crimes often suffer from external and internal injuries that require immediate attention from a medical professional. A medical exam, also known as a rape kit, can be performed at this time. The exam can help the police catch and prosecute your attacker as well as give you the treatment you need to prevent pregnancy and STDs.

2. Decide Whether or Not to Report the Crime: The decision of whether or not to file a criminal report with the police after a sexual assault is not as easy to make as some might thing. Many survivors feel that catching and punishing the rapist is a way to find closure and to protect other potential victims. When the criminal is arrested, victims sometimes report feeling empowered as well. However, not all victims want to report rape. Their reasons are also justified. Some don’t want to file a report and press charges because the process is long and excruciating, making it more difficult to move past the event. When all is said and done, only victims can make this important decision.

3. Find Ways to Be Safer: One of the things that victims can do to find healing and recovery is to proactively find ways to live more safely. Some enroll in martial arts classes. The feel that to Learn Self Defense is to become more in control and more personally empowered. You may also find it beneficial to do small things like change the locks, or walk with a buddy. While they know this doesn’t change what happened to them, it gives them a productive way to deal with their fears.

4. Look for Support: Find a network of supporters is one of the most important things you can do for yourself as a victim of a sexual assault. One person won’t be enough. Some of your close friends may be able to help you get through the everyday routines and tasks in your day until your world starts to settle down a little. However, for your psychological well-being you might need to find a close loved one to confide in. It might also be helpful to talk to a professional about your experiences. Rape is emotionally very traumatic, and victims can experience a number of psychological side effects as a result.

Author Bio: For more information about martial arts, please check out Learn Self Defense.

Category: Society
Keywords: martial arts, Learn Self Defense

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