Getting Debt Reduction For Your Medical Bills

Medical bills are one of the most expensive bills you could ever get in your entire life especially when you are underinsured or do not even have medical insurance in the first place. Doctor’s fees, medical procedures and medications are all quite costly and in serious cases where surgery is needed, the bills could rake up to tens of thousands of dollars in just a few days. Did you know that according to Health Affairs 2005, half of all bankruptcies filed in the US are caused by unpaid medical bills? A lot of people struggle with medical bills because it is the one thing that is very difficult to predict. Who’s to know that you might need a life-saving surgery that costs double your annual income tomorrow? And without health and medical insurance, you will probably carry that debt for the rest of your life. What most people should know is that debt reduction for medical bills is negotiable.

Initially you probably thought you could work it out and eventually pay off your medical bills. But as life goes on and you incur new debts from other aspects of your life such as mortgages and car loans, you find that you probably could never afford to pay for your medical bills. Just like your credit card bills, you could negotiate for medical bills debt reduction. You can always do it yourself or you could appoint a debt help company to represent you and negotiate on your behalf. Medical bills are different from credit card bills because they are not incurred due to bad habits or lavish lifestyle. But they are still negotiable because they are still considered a debt nonetheless.

If you are asking yourself “How do I get debt reduction for my bills?” you can always turn to your financial advisor or negotiation partner. You do have the option of negotiating with the relevant parties yourself but perhaps you could get a better deal if you let a professional handle the matter. After all, it is very important that during the negotiation everyone stays calm and objective.

Below are some suggestions for you to consider when you plan to negotiate your medical debts:

– Appoint a negotiating partner or debt counselor
Although it is admirable if you wish to negotiate the bills yourself, it is more prudent and efficient if you appoint a third party to negotiate on your behalf as they are less likely to get emotional during the negotiation process.

– Check your bills
This is important because hospitals have been known to make billing mistakes. Make sure that you are not being overcharged and that all the itemized bills are correct. If there is any discrepancy, be sure to highlight it to your counselor or negotiating partner.

– Maintain objectivity and keep records of all discussions
When in discussion about reducing your medical debts, you need to remain calm and be focused on the task at hand. Be sure to keep records of all the names of your creditors and organize all the relevant documentations so when you are asked to prove your case your debt counselor can provide all the necessary proof.

– Have a plan
Before walking into the discussion room with your debt counselor, make sure you have discussed your options beforehand. Showing your creditors that you are earnest in making an effort to actually pay your debts can actually exhibit a sign of good faith and your creditors will be more than likely agreeable to your suggestions. Draft out an installment plan with the help of your debt counselor. Your creditors would be more willing to accept monthly payments rather than losing all your money completely.

Just like any other form of debt, medical bills can sometimes need some kind of debt reduction help especially for those who cannot afford to pay the bills and for those without medical or health insurance. You just need to be clear on your objectives and you have to make the effort to really pay out the debts. After all, your creditors did do all their best to save your life.

Author Bio: debt reduction debt reduction for my bills debt reduction help

Category: Finances
Keywords: debt reduction, debt reduction for my bills, debt reduction help

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