Top Four Spy Gadgets

Whether you want to feel like James Bond or are trying to catch a thief in your own home, it may be advantageous to be aware of different “spy gadgets” that are on the market. Knowing about these high-tech devices is important whether you want to know how someone might be watching you, or want to increase your security. We’ve broken down the basic categories of spy gadgets to increase your awareness of the many types of spy products that are on the market today. Knowing what products are out there can help you keep track of your property and increase security. Likewise, raising your awareness of these devices may help you prevent savvy criminals from stealing your information or possessions.

Hidden cameras – Perhaps the most popular of all “spy” gadgets, these devices are finding their way into more and more situations. These concealable cameras range from tiny hidden cameras inside alarm clocks or picture frames, or even tiny “buttonhole” cameras that can be worn inside a special pair of sunglasses. Many of the cameras currently on the market transmit video information to remote locations and can be turned on or off at will. The increasing availability of digital video this means that you can record (or be recorded) without a tangle of cables or wires. In addition, many cameras have a “night vision” setting that can record even at night or in darkened rooms.

Audio devices – While many cameras also include audio capability, small audio devices (“bugs” in spy lingo) can be worn or installed in a variety of locations to record conversations. Audio devices can be incredibly small, and don’t require an opening, unlike a camera, in order to record information. Likewise, audio devices can record through long distances and even through walls, meaning that the device does not have to be physically located inside a room in order to record information.

Another category of audio devices includes voice changers. Seen in the movies to disguise the voices of kidnappers making ransom demands, these devices actually have a wide range of real-world uses, such as disguising your voice when answering a phone call coming from an unknown number.

Computer Spying – Computer spying may be considered the “cutting edge” of spy devices. There are a number of computer programs that computer hackers can use to infiltrate your computer system and gather sensitive data. Among these programs are “key-logger” programs that can record each key-stroke made on a specific keyboard. Likewise, credit card “skimmers” can be installed on ATM machines and credit card terminals to record credit card information when an individual swipes his or her card through a terminal. “Malware” and “Spyware” can infiltrate your computer via emails or downloaded files, and also record personal information about a user. Inventive hackers can even use specific programs as a way to activate the webcam on your computer without your knowledge – effectively turning your web camera into a spy camera any time your computer is on.

Bug detectors – Finally, there is a host of devices designed not to record their own information, but to alert you to the presence of other recording devices. These phone tap, camera, and bug detectors are useful in situations where you believe someone may be recording your every move. Whether you think you’re being targeted by identity thieves or by burglars, many of these bugs may never be found, even inside your own home, without a bug detector.

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Category: Sports

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